Excel VBA Macro to get the substring of text before semicolon

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I have working code here.

In section (3) it grabs values from a cell under a specific header and prints them to a masterfile. These values typically look like

TL-18273982; 10MM

TL-288762; 76DK



I would like to grab just the information that is before the first semicolon. Not all the cells have a semi colon in them so it would probably need an if statement along the lines of if ; then print everything in front of it.

I have been trying to utilize a split function to do this but I am not very experienced with VBA so I am having some trouble. Any suggestions?

Option Explicit

Sub LoopThroughDirectory()

    Const ROW_HEADER As Long = 10

    Dim objFSO As Object
    Dim objFolder As Object
    Dim objFile As Object
    Dim MyFolder As String
    Dim StartSht As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim LastRow As Integer, erow As Integer
    Dim Height As Integer
    Dim RowLast As Long
    Dim f As String
    Dim dict As Object
    Dim hc As Range, hc1 As Range, hc2 As Range, hc3 As Range, d As Range

    Set StartSht = Workbooks("masterfile.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1")

    'turn screen updating off - makes program faster
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    'location of the folder in which the desired TDS files are
    MyFolder = "C:\Users\trembos\Documents\TDS\progress\"

    'find the headers on the sheet
    Set hc1 = HeaderCell(StartSht.Range("B1"), "HOLDER")
    Set hc2 = HeaderCell(StartSht.Range("C1"), "CUTTING TOOL")

    'create an instance of the FileSystemObject
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'get the folder object
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(MyFolder)
    i = 2

    'loop through directory file and print names
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
        If LCase(Right(objFile.Name, 3)) = "xls" Or LCase(Left(Right(objFile.Name, 4), 3)) = "xls" Then

            'Open folder and file name, do not update links
            Set WB = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=MyFolder & objFile.Name, UpdateLinks:=0)
            Set ws = WB.ActiveSheet
                'find CUTTING TOOL on the source sheet
                Set hc = HeaderCell(ws.Cells(ROW_HEADER, 1), "CUTTING TOOL")
                If Not hc Is Nothing Then

                    Set dict = GetValues(hc.Offset(1, 0))
                    If dict.count > 0 Then
                        Set d = StartSht.Cells(Rows.count, hc2.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
                        'add the values to the masterfile, column 3
                        d.Resize(dict.count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.items)
                    End If
                    'header not found on source worksheet
                End If
                'find HOLDER on the source sheet
                Set hc3 = HeaderCell(ws.Cells(ROW_HEADER, 1), "HOLDER")
                If Not hc3 Is Nothing Then

                    Set dict = GetValues(hc3.Offset(1, 0))
                    If dict.count > 0 Then
                        Set d = StartSht.Cells(Rows.count, hc1.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
                        'add the values to the master list, column 2
                        d.Resize(dict.count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.items)
                    End If
                    'header not found on source worksheet
                End If
            With WB
               'print TDS information
                For Each ws In .Worksheets
                        'print the file name to Column 1
                        StartSht.Cells(i, 1) = objFile.Name
                        'print TDS name from J1 cell to Column 4
                        With ws
                            .Range("J1").Copy StartSht.Cells(i, 4)
                        End With
                        i = GetLastRowInSheet(StartSht) + 1
                'move to next file
                Next ws
                'close, do not save any changes to the opened files
                .Close SaveChanges:=False
            End With
        End If
    'move to next file
    Next objFile
    'turn screen updating back on
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
End Sub

'get all unique column values starting at cell c
Function GetValues(ch As Range) As Object
    Dim dict As Object, rng As Range, c As Range, v
    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each c In ch.Parent.Range(ch, ch.Parent.Cells(Rows.count, ch.Column).End(xlUp)).Cells
        v = Trim(c.Value)
        If Len(v) > 0 And Not dict.exists(v) Then
            dict.Add c.Address, v
        End If
    Next c
    Set GetValues = dict
End Function

'find a header on a row: returns Nothing if not found
Function HeaderCell(rng As Range, sHeader As String) As Range
    Dim rv As Range, c As Range
    For Each c In rng.Parent.Range(rng, rng.Parent.Cells(rng.Row, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft)).Cells
        If Trim(c.Value) = sHeader Then
            Set rv = c
            Exit For
        End If
    Next c
    Set HeaderCell = rv
End Function

Function GetLastRowInColumn(theWorksheet As Worksheet, col As String)
    With theWorksheet
        GetLastRowInColumn = .Range(col & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
End Function

Function GetLastRowInSheet(theWorksheet As Worksheet)
Dim ret
    With theWorksheet
        If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then
            ret = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
                          After:=.Range("A1"), _
                          Lookat:=xlPart, _
                          LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
                          SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                          SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
            ret = 1
        End If
    End With
    GetLastRowInSheet = ret
End Function

There are 4 best solutions below


If you one use Split function, you will love it -> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6x627e5f%28v=vs.90%29.aspx

Look for this example:

Sub TestSplit()

Dim String1 As String
Dim Arr1 As Variant

String1 = "TL-18273982; 10MM"
Arr1 = Split(String1, ";")

Debug.Print "TEST1: String1=" & String1
Debug.Print "TEST1: Arr1(0)=" & Arr1(0)
Debug.Print "TEST1: Arr1(1)=" & Arr1(1)

String1 = "CT-576"
Arr1 = Split(String1, ";")
Debug.Print "TEST2: String1=" & String1
Debug.Print "TEST2: Arr1(0)=" & Arr1(0)

String1 = "N/A"
Arr1 = Split(String1, ";")
Debug.Print "TEST3: String1=" & String1
Debug.Print "TEST3: Arr1(0)=" & Arr1(0)

End Sub


TEST1: String1=TL-18273982; 10MM
TEST1: Arr1(0)=TL-18273982
TEST1: Arr1(1)= 10MM
TEST2: String1=CT-576
TEST2: Arr1(0)=CT-576
TEST3: String1=N/A
TEST3: Arr1(0)=N/A

Edit: Maybe simple modification GetValues will resolve problem?

Change function call to:

Set dict = GetValues(hc.Offset(1, 0), "SplitMe")

And change function like this:

'get all unique column values starting at cell c
Function GetValues(ch As Range, Optional vSplit As Variant) As Object
    Dim dict As Object, rng As Range, c As Range, v
    Dim spl As Variant
    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each c In ch.Parent.Range(ch, ch.Parent.Cells(Rows.Count, ch.Column).End(xlUp)).Cells
        v = Trim(c.Value)
        If Len(v) > 0 And Not dict.exists(v) Then

            If Not IsMissing(vSplit) Then
            spl = Split(v, ";")
            v = spl(0)
            End If

            dict.Add c.Address, v
        End If
    Next c
    Set GetValues = dict
End Function


Public Function PreSemicolon(sIN As String) As String
   If InStr(sIN, ";") = 0 Then
      PreSemicolon = ""
      Exit Function
      PreSemicolon = Split(sIN, ";")(0)
   End If
End Function

The following VBA code snippet demonstrates the possible solution assuming the text is entered in "A1" cell (Note: it does not need Split() Function):

Sub GetSubstringDemo()
Dim position As Integer
Dim substring As String
position = InStr(Cells(1, 1), ";")
If (position > 0) Then
    substring = Left(Cells(1, 1), position - 1)
    'or use the following one to exclude "["
    'substring = Replace(Left(Cells(1, 1), position - 1), "[", "")
     Debug.Print substring
End If
End Sub

The same Sub can be extended to loop through the range of cells (e.g. A1 to A10):

Sub GetSubstringDemo()
    Dim position As Integer
    Dim substring As String
    For i = 1 To 10
        position = InStr(Cells(i, 1), ";")
        If (position > 0) Then
            substring = Replace(Left(Cells(i, 1), position - 1), "[", "")
            Debug.Print substring
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Hope this may help.

PS. Pertinent to you additional question in comments: business logic is a bit unclear, but following that sample code, it could be modified as :

Set dict = GetValues(hc.Offset(1, 0))
If dict.count > 0 Then
    Set d = StartSht.Cells(Rows.count, hc2.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
    position = InStr(d.Value, ";")
    substring = Replace(Left(d.Value, position - 1), ";", "")     
    d.Resize(dict.count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.items)
End If

Best Regards,


Try something like that.I'm not sure about your variables, you might have to adapt them.

You can use instr to locate a character within the string (returning the position of '[' for example). You can then use mid to extract a substing, using the positions of ']' and '['.

openPos = instr (hc , "[") closePos = instr (hc , ";")

   if closePos = 0 then
   closePos = instr (hc , "]")
   end if 

dict = mid (hc , openPos+1, closePos - openPos - 1)