Execution order in Parsec computation

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I'm having trouble figuring out how to debug my parser written in Parsec. The most curious thing is the order of execution. I have the following code:

import Data.Text (pack)
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
import Text.Parsec

material :: Parser MTL
material = do
  name <- many finishLine >> string "newmtl" >> whitespaces >> manyTill anyChar (try finishLine)
  illumCmds <- parseIllum
  texMapCmds <- parseTexMaps
  let mtl = constructMaterial name illumCmds texMapCmds
  traceShow mtl $ return ()
  return mtl

parseMTL :: FilePath -> IO [MTL]
parseMTL filepath = do
  s <- readFile filepath
  case parse (many material) filepath (pack s) of
    Left x -> error $ show x
    Right x -> return x

loadMTL :: FilePath -> IO ()
loadMTL fp = do
  putStrLn $ "Start loading MTL: " ++ show fp
  parseMTL fp >>= print
  putStrLn $ "Finished."

In my program, I'm calling loadMTL on a file and I'm receiving the following error:

lobjview.exe: Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim.many: 
combinator 'many' is applied to a parser that accepts an empty string.

So I figured that somewhere in my program there was an error and I was hoping that through the use of trace I could narrow it down (wherein showing a thunk would force it to be evaluated and it would resolve all previous parsing up until the call to trace). However, I'm getting some behavior that I don't quite understand. My output is as follows:

... other stuff ...
MTL { ... everything looks good here ... }
... other stuff ...
Loading MTL: filepath.mtl
lobjview.exe: Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim.many: 
combinator 'many' is applied to a parser that accepts an empty string.

So my first question is this:

  • Why does my trace show prior to the output from the IO monad?

I decided to profile my code and run it using +RTS -xc to see a stack trace of where this error was coming from. Best guess is this:

--> evaluated by: Lambency.Loaders.MTLLoader.whitespace,
called from Lambency.Loaders.MTLLoader.finishLine.comment,
called from Lambency.Loaders.MTLLoader.finishLine.endMarker,
called from Lambency.Loaders.MTLLoader.finishLine,

That corresponds to this code:

whitespace :: Parser Char
whitespace = tab <|> char ' '

whitespaces :: Parser [Char]
whitespaces = many whitespace

finishLine :: Parser ()
finishLine = many (whitespace <|> comment) >> endMarker >> return ()
    endMarker = endOfLine

    comment :: Parser Char
    comment = char '#' >> manyTill anyChar (try $ lookAhead endMarker) >> return '_'

So my second question is this:

  • Is there any way that this code can be causing the error that I'm getting? I don't see how.


The link to my code can be found here:


This code runs as I'd expect it to, but I arrived at this solution mostly through guesswork. I'd still like answers to my original questions. The main differences between this code and the code in the question are:

  1. material = do changed to material = try $ do
  2. many material changed to many material >>= (\x -> many finishLine >> eof >> return x)

Perhaps this can shed some light on what was causing the problems in the first place. An example of a data file parsed by this code is as follows:

# Default material file.  Created by Morgan McGuire and released into
# the Public Domain on July 16, 2011.
# http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/data

newmtl default
  Ns 10.0000
  Ni 1.5000
  Tr 0  0
  illum 2
  Ka 1 1 1
  Kd 1 1 1
  Ks 0.2 0.2 0.2
  Ke 0 0 0
  map_Kd default.png

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