expecting to save Double in the db but mongo decide to save it as Int64 (big number)

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im using unit test to check what type will be inserted to the db, my code is simple:

"insert big double to mongo" in {
  val doc: MyDocument = generateMyDocument()
  val newdoc = doc.copy(myDoubleField = 2394735300.0)
  dao.insertOne(newdoc, action).futureValue

this will insert int64 for the field myDoubleField which supposed to be Double..

if I change the number to be 24,735,300 it get saved as int32..

if I change the number to 2,735,300 it get saved as Double!

this is very weird to me I don't understand.

my insertOne method looks like:

  def insertOne(doc: Doc, action: EventAction): Future[Doc] = {
    doc.createdAt = Some(InstantNow)
    doc.updatedAt = doc.createdAt
    (for {
      insertedDoc <- collection.insert.one(doc)
        case DefaultWriteResult(true, 1, _, _, _, _) => doc
        case dwr => throw new RuntimeException(s"$LogName was not inserted, something went wrong: $dwr")
      _ <- eventsCollection.insert.one(EventDocument(action, DataOperation.Create, dataType, None, doc._id, doc.metadata, None, None, None))
    } yield insertedDoc)
        case WriteResult.Code(DuplicateCode) => throw DuplicateKeyException(doc.uniqueIndexToString)

please, how do I ensure I save it as Double, thanks!


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