Expo updates custom server - New bundles fetched but not downloaded

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I recently setup a custom expo updates server (based on the one provided by expo themselves - https://github.com/expo/custom-expo-updates-server). The only things I changed in the expo-updates-server folder is the HOSTNAME in .env.local and set it to a my domain name so the urls will look like this: https://www.test.co/api/manifest

This is the updates and runtimeVersion part inside of my app.json file
(copy paste from the github I linked)

"runtimeVersion": "app",
"updates": {
  "enabled": true,
  "url": "https://test.co/api/manifest",
  "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 30000,
  "codeSigningCertificate": "./code-signing/certificate.pem",
  "codeSigningMetadata": {
    "keyid": "main",
    "alg": "rsa-v1_5-sha256"
"assetBundlePatterns": ["**/*"],

If I leave it like this, the /api/manifest endpoint is triggered with all the /api/assets ones, but the ui does not change with the new bundle. Every time I kill and relaunch the app, the endpoints are called but nothing happens.

I tried to debug by adding "checkAutomatically": "ON_ERROR_RECOVERY" to updates inside of app.json to avoid the app fetching at startup and then I added this code inside of my App.jsx

useEffect(() => {
  if (!__DEV__ && Platform.OS !== 'web') {
}, []);

async function checkForUpdates() {
  try {
    const update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
    if (update.isAvailable) {
      await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();
      await Updates.reloadAsync();
  } catch (err) {

The alert(JSON.stringify(fetch)) is only for test purposes.
I wanted to see what is returned from the function.

With that code, every time I kill and restart the app, the alert shows up but nothing happens. The content returned from JSON.stringify(fetch) is: (changed for security reason) The big black square contains security keys, so its not needed to be shown.

Note: All the urls are accessible, They are downloadable from a browser. Only the bundle/ios-xxxxxxx.js file is not downloadable, the content of the file is shown on the browser.

Assets url are in the format: https://test.co/api/assets?asset=apps/```runtimeVersion```/```date```/assets/xxxxxxxxxx?runtimeVersion=x&platform=ios

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Thanks to anyone who can help me fix this as it is really important for me and for my business. The app is sometimes crashing on clients' devices.


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