Export and Import apacheds data into LDIF programmatically from java

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I have create a server in Apache Directory Studio. I also created a partition and inserted some entries to that server form Java. Now I want to Backup and Restore this data in and LDIF file programmatically. I am new to LDAP. So please show me a detailed way to Export and Import entries programmatically using java from my server into LDIF.

Current solution:

Now I am using this approach to backup:

  EntryCursor cursor = connection.search(new Dn("o=partition"), "(ObjectClass=*)", SearchScope.SUBTREE, "*", "+"); 
  Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
  Path filePath = Paths.get("src/main/resources", "backup.ldif");
  BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(filePath, charset);
  String st = ""; 
  while (cursor.next()) { 
    Entry entry = cursor.get();
    String ss = LdifUtils.convertToLdif(entry);
    st += ss + "\n";

For restore I am using this:

  InputStream is = new FileInputStream(filepath);
  LdifReader entries = new LdifReader(is);
  for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : entries) {
    Entry entry = ldifEntry.getEntry();
    AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequestImpl();
    addRequest.addControl(new ManageDsaITImpl());

    AddResponse res = connection.add(addRequest);

But I am not sure whether this is the correct way.

Problem of this solution:

When I backup my database, it writes entries into LDIF in a random way, so restore does not works until I fix the order of entries manually. I there any better way? Please someone help me.


There are 2 best solutions below


After a long search, I actually understand that the solution of restore the entries is a simple recursion. In backup procedure does not print the entries in random way, it maintain the tree order. So a simple recursion can order the entries well. Here is a sample code which I use-

void findEntry(LdapConnection connection, Entry entry, StringBuilder sb)
    throws LdapException, CursorException {
  EntryCursor cursor = connection.search(entry.getDn(), "(ObjectClass=*)", SearchScope.ONELEVEL, "*", "+");
  while (cursor.next()) {
    findEntry(connection, cursor.get(), sb);

Well, you tagged as Java and so look at the UnboundID LDAP SDK or as you are using APacheDS, why not look at the Apache LDAP API

Either of them will work. I currently use [UnboundID LDAP SDK] which have [LDIF specific APIs].3. I assume [Apache LDAP API] does also, But I have not used them.