I have found the Ez.Newsletter.MagentoApi C# project on the internet. I think its a great tool to Test the Magento SOAP API.
But after struggling with some code for WEEKS now I decided to ask a question.
In the project, there is no sample for the AddOption
in the ProductAttributeOption
This is the Public Method I have added to the Api solution:
public static bool addOption(string apiUrl, string sessionId, object[] args)
IProductAttributeOption prox = (IProductAttributeOption)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(IProductAttributeOption));
prox.Url = apiUrl;
return prox.addOption(sessionId, _catalog_product_attribute_add_option, args);
And this is the code for adding the Option:
bool OptionAdded = ProductAttributeOption.addOption(apiUrl, sessionId, new object[] {
new object[] {
new object[] {
"0", //store_id
"New Label Name" //value
"0", //orderid
"0" //is_default
But the error of the server is like:
An unhandled exception of type 'CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcFaultException' occurred in CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll
Additional information: Server returned a fault exception: [108] Default option value is not defined
I just came across this issue myself. We use Python with Magento1.9 Xml-RPC
You're currently formatting very similar as I did initially:
After some playing around, wrapping the label value in another list did the trick:
This is my 5cents. Hope it helps you forward.