Facebook c# application: Facebook can not access my silverlight application on localhost

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Hi i am trying to write a silverlight applicaiton on Facebook. I am using Visual Studio 2010. I have created a silverlight application and VS created a test page for it automaticly. I can acces and test my application on localhost (I have installed iis7 with default settings on win7x64 fresh install). I am publishing the test page to wwwroot and everything works on localhost. But when i try to access my application from Facebook i am getting this error:

"HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) is being used."

But if i create a ASP.NET application and publist it same way it works. So what sould i do?

Best reagrds

Olcay Ertas


There are 1 best solutions below


Have you tried spoofing your host? I do not know if it is the case anymore, but in the past, Facebook refused to interact with http://localhost/. By editing my hosts file, I was able to get Facebook to interact with my local environment without having to push to a publicly accessible server.

Just edit your hosts file, putting in something like my.localhost.com, restart your browsers, and put that domain in to your Facebook app. It could work... apologies if it doesn't.