Facebook custom story and object timeline headings

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I have created a custom object on my website for my Facebook app to use. I currently have everything working correctly with the exception of the heading when the story is displayed on the timeline. For example, the story reads:

"John computed a personal analytics"

when I would like it to read as:

"John computed personal analytics"

There are settings for the story where I have changed this to read correctly but the changes are not reflected when the story is actually generated. The story even makes the correct preview when I ask for a preview on the developer site. Is there a piece of meta-data or some setting that I am missing?


There are 1 best solutions below


Have you tried forcing Facebook to refresh that data? Maybe it still displays the old one from before the change. I believe it was possibly within the object debugger.


So if you have the URL http:www.example.com/index.php, you simply attach a ?fbrefresh=[somerandomcharacters] here and it should do the trick.

I have to say that only worked sometimes for me too, sometimes Facebook can be a bit stubborn.