Facebook Graph Api v2.10 workarounds for feeds with titles or shares with large thumbnails

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I want let user share image from my website. I want it to be bigger thumbnail using fb.ui share option, code bellow works but it reduces my large image to smaller.

Code for sharing:

        method: 'share_open_graph',
        action_type: 'og.shares',
        action_properties: JSON.stringify({
            object : {
              // 'og:url': 'url', // your url to share
               'og:title': 'Here my custom title',
               'og:description': 'here custom description',
               'og:image': 'image_url'


result of code above: result

I am able to post image with prefered size by using feed option, code and result is bellow. But problem is I can not add additional information like title or message.

         method: 'feed',
    name: 'name',
    picture: 'image_url',
    caption: 'caption',
    description: 'description',
    message: 'message'

I know message, title and description are deprecated for feed option, and big thumbnails are not working for now for share option. If anyone have some solution for this, or knows some workaround let me know.

So I need solution for getting bigger thumbnail in post,size as image is....or posting some additional information with feed image.


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