Facebook: Issue trying to generate client code from long term oauth token

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Facebook Documentation: Access Tokens

Using the like above you can see Facebook's documentation for the process I am trying to accomplish.

That is, I have server API's that have already successfully authenticated and linked to a Facebook user's account and I have a long term token on our servers. Using the long term token (via server side) I am trying to generate a "client code" (as Facebook calls it) in order to send down to one of our iOS client apps. Which the client app can then use to create a long term token of it's on in order to use the SDK locally.

Steps Taken:

  1. Documentation states that three values need to be passed in: access_token, client_secret, redirect_uri (client_secret being the application secret). This is already wrong as when only passing these values, Graph API states that client_id (otherwise known as application id) is required.
  2. Passing all four values:
    • access_token: long term token
    • client_id: facebook application identifier
    • client_secret: facebook application secret
    • redirect_uri: facebook application redirect uri used when created long term session token


I get the following error message returned:

"error": {
  "message": "An unknown error has occurred.",
  "type": "OAuthException",
  "code": 1


  1. How do I find out what exactly the "error" that is being encountered?
  2. Is there something that I am doing wrong to generate this client code?

There are 1 best solutions below


The "issue" was there was a bug with Facebook's code. Bug was reported, fixed and now working with no issues.