facebook messanger -wit.ai integration -Chatbot -heroku deployed

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I am working towards a chatbot,with wit.ai and facebook messanger as the interface for it,The integrating process went error less and the curl -H gave {success:true},but the bot does not respond if messaged,I looked all over it,may i know is it because of heroku for which this behaviour is seen,or the deployment platform does not matter at all,what can be the area or part that i may be missing out?

List of things i have already done:

  • 1 create a story over wit.ai
  • 2 a simple nodejs server code printing ("this is a bot").
  • 3 after properly executing,wrote the whole bot.
  • 4 deployed it to heroku
  • 5 in Facebook Developer section,created apps for messanger.
  • 6 setup webhook,after creating a verify_token,it shows "complete"
  • 7 generate page token and put verify_token and page_access_token in heroku dashboard's "config vars"
  • 8 subscribe the page
  • 9 trigger it using curl and chat with the bot;**

    • *error: bot does not respond in the page

    • url/webhook -> bad request*

Can anyone give me some suggestions regarding this


There are 1 best solutions below


I find it highly unlikely that there is a heroku problem. Did you try chatting with the bot without using witai? Also type heroku logs on terminal to see if there are some errors in your application. I used heroku to deploy my chatbot, and it works really well since you can find all the errors in the logs. I am not well versed with witai, but since it is just calling the bot, heroku shouldn't be the one causing the error