I want to visit the following facebook page-
But when I enter this url in browser it always redirecting to.
I am accessing it from India and I understand that facebook redirecting the page based on my current location.
I changed my Current City to Singapore from facebook Profile->CurrentCity but still it is redirecting.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Facebook page redirecting based on current location
8.1k Views Asked by user1697126 At
There are 2 best solutions below

You probably wont be able to access that page unless you are in a zone that the page is made available in. i.e. Singapore in this case. The page admin decides where certain content is served and that may be due to many reasons. If you could access it from a zone outside of the zone specified by the page admin then that does not seem correct.
I got the answer. Just add
after the url, now the url will be:https://www.facebook.com/VisaSingapore?brand_redir=DISABLE