Facebook publish_actions permission only working for admin account

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I am having some issues with the facebook sdk for iOS for publishing a status to facebook. I have turned on the "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" toggle in the dashboard. I am able to log into the admin account and publish the status update, but when I log in as another user I get the following error:

    Error Domain=com.facebook.sdk Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)" UserInfo=0xa5b9de0 {com.facebook.sdk:HTTPStatusCode=403, com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey={
    body =     {
        error =         {
            code = 200;
            message = "(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action";
            type = OAuthException;
    code = 403;
    headers =     (
            name = Expires;
            value = "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT";
            name = "Cache-Control";
            value = "no-store";
            name = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin";
            value = "*";
            name = Pragma;
            value = "no-cache";
            name = "Content-Type";
            value = "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8";
            name = "Facebook-API-Version";
            value = "v2.2";
            name = "WWW-Authenticate";
            value = "OAuth \"Facebook Platform\" \"insufficient_scope\" \"(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action\"";
    com.facebook.sdk:ErrorSessionKey=<FBSession: 0xa670520, state: FBSessionStateOpen, loginHandler: 0xa573850, appID: %$#%#%#$%#$%#$%, urlSchemeSuffix: free, tokenCachingStrategy:<FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy: 0xa577b60>, expirationDate: 2015-01-23 16:13:18 +0000, refreshDate: 2014-11-24 16:43:00 +0000, attemptedRefreshDate: 0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000, permissions:(

Here's the code that I am using to get permissions:

    - (void)facebookCheckIn {
    NSArray *permissions =[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"publish_actions", nil];
       if ([[FBSession activeSession]isOpen]) {
             * if the current session has no publish permission we need to reauthorize
            if ([[[FBSession activeSession]permissions]indexOfObject:@"publish_actions"] == NSNotFound) {
               [[FBSession activeSession] requestNewPublishPermissions:permissions
                                                      completionHandler:^(FBSession *session,NSError *error){
                                                          [self showCustomMessage];
                [self showCustomMessage];
             * open a new session with publish permission

            NSArray *requestPermission = @[@"publish_actions"];
            // Open session with public_profile
            [FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:requestPermission defaultAudience:FBSessionDefaultAudienceEveryone allowLoginUI:YES
             ^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error) {
                 if (!error){
                     // If the session was opened successfully
                     if (state == FBSessionStateOpen){
                         // Your code here
                         [self showCustomMessage];

                     } else {
                         // There was an error, handle it
                         NSLog(@" error on opening session = %@",error);


And here's the code that I use to post the status:

    NSLog(@"post to facebook");

    NSMutableDictionary<FBGraphObject> *place = [FBGraphObject graphObject];
    place[@"place"] = @"1342352523525"; // food Place id
    place[@"message"] = facebook_message;
    [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:@"me/feed"
                          completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) {
                              //verify result
                              NSLog(@"result: %@ %@", result,error.description);
                              if(error) {
                                  NSLog(@"Error FOR PLACE: %@", error.description);
                                  if ([error.description rangeOfString:@"506"].location != NSNotFound ) {
                                      [self showAnimatedMessage:@"You have already checked in using Facebook"];
                                   else if([error.description rangeOfString:@"-1009"].location != NSNotFound )
                                       [self showAnimatedMessage:@"The Internet connection appears to be offline."];
                                  else if ([error.description rangeOfString:@"code = 1;"].location != NSNotFound ) {
                                      [self showAnimatedMessage:@"An Error Occured, please try again later."];
                                       [self showAnimatedMessage:@"The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action, need publish_actions permission?"];
                              else {
                                   [self showAnimatedMessage:@"Successfully checked in with Facebook!"];
                                   NSLog(@"Status update submitted!");
                             // [self showAnimatedMessage:@"done"];


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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