facesContext is not defined Error while using facesContext.validationFailed

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I'm trying to use #{facesContext.validationFailed} to know whether the validation is failed or not, and to or not to showup the dialog.

I build a tiny project to test it but get

ReferenceError: facesContext is not defined

in my firebug, and the dialog is never shown no matter validation is failed or not.

Here's my code:

        <p:messages id="messages" /> 

        <h:outputLabel for="test" value="Test : *" />  
        <p:inputText value="#{newBusinessCtrl.testStr}" required="true" id="test"/>
        <p:message for="test" />  

        <p:commandButton value="Save" onclick="if (!facesContext.validationFailed)testDlg.show();"/> 
        <p:confirmDialog message="test Msg"
                         header="Success" severity="alert"            
            <h:outputText value="input success!"/>

Anyone knows why? Thanks in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


facesContext.validationFailed needs to be in a EL expression, i.e. #{facesContext.validationFailed}; otherwise it is a javascript variable.

However, I think that still won't give you the desired effect as the onclick script would be executed before submitting the form.