I am trying to plot JMX performance metrics for my test plan while performing load test on sending telemetry data to the azure IOT hub .

I referred following document to pull out performance metric https://jmeter-plugins.org/wiki/JMXMon/

But facing the following error enter image description here

I have tried altering URL as mentioned here :- service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://YOURHOST:6969/jmxrmi or


service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://HUBNAME.azure-devices.net:6969/jmxrmi service:jmx:rmi://HUBNAME.azure-devices.net:8883/jndi/rmi://DIoT-HSync-IoTHub.azure-devices.net:8883/jmxrmi

How to configure this ? Thanks In Advance :)

How to use JMXMon Sample Collector sampler while connecting to the azure IOT hub to pull JMX performance metrics


There are 1 best solutions below


By default Java applications don't expose JMX RMI endpoints, you need to start RMI server by providing the following properties to your Java application arguments:


Be informed that above configuration is very insecure and it means that literally anyone can connect to your application and do potentially harmful stuff so it worth enabling SSL and authentication before proceeding.

More information: Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology

Before trying to use JMXMon Samples Collector you might want to try connecting to the RMI endpoint via JConsole

If you cannot amend your application startup configuration you can take a look at the following alternatives: