enter image description here this is my first time to use fastlane, i want to upload ipa file to testflight, in the Fastfile, i write this: enter image description here

but when i excuted 'fastlane beta' in command line, it appeared error "Couldn't find app 'com.xxx.RFTestDemo' on the account of '[email protected]' on iTunes Connect", i don't know what's wrong, hope someone to help me, thanks very much.


There are 2 best solutions below


EDIT 2022: This issue popped back up as I was attempting upload to Testflight

FURTHER EDIT: Fastlane 2.204.2 is the official fix - bump to that one or remove the explicit version dependency for 2.204.1 to resolve

I started seeing the same issue this week after not touching the files for quite some time (we use Deliver and Pilotfiles for upload/submissions). From Fastlanes release pages: "There is an issue with how App Store Connect API is handling /v1/apps?filter[bundleId]= where the bundle identifier is greater than 25 characters."

As an interim solution please update fastlane versions to point to 2.204.1 (had to manually specify the version in our Gemfile) this is going to be a temp fix though, so watch for upcoming releases and flip back accordingly

Reference https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases


I faced this same issue when running fastlane ios beta despite having the app correctly set up on my account, and found the cause to be the app identifier in my project's fastlane configuration was mis-spelt using the wrong case (eg 'com.Pxxx' instead of 'com.pxxx').

Correcting this in the first line of ios/fastlane/Appfile fixed the issue for me.
