Fbi has no access to tty when run as non-root user

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Fbi is a framebuffer image viewer that does not need an X-server setup. It's perfect for what I want to achieve: a stand alone dedicated slide show.

I want to run the following command as a non-root user:

fbi -d /dev/fb0 -T 1 foo.jpg

When I run fbi as non-root, the result on tty1 is:

access /dev/tty1: Permission denied

I can perfectly run the command as root (sudo ...), but that's not desirable. My question is: how can I run fbi as non-root user on a tty?

The setup of the rpi4 is "headless": no X-server installed, the fbi command is issued from ssh or crontab, the output tty1 is a screen connected to a HDMI port on the rpi4.

I tried many things:

  • checked all possible forums, many of which address this problem without giving a satisfactory solution. The man page for fbi suggests adding the user to the vido and tty groups which I did but to no avail.
  • added the user to the groups tty and video
  • changed permissions on tty1 and fb0 to 666. Interestingly the error message changes to ...

ioctl VT_ACTIVATE: Operation not permitted.

Of course, after reboot the permissions of the /dev/tty1 and /dev/fb0 change back to normal. So changing these permissions is no good idea at all, even if it would work, which it doesn't.

Thanks you guys for your help!


There are 1 best solutions below


I'm running bullseye on a rpi3.

Here is how I got it to work (from inside a docker container fwiw):

  • [x] add the user to the tty and video groups
  • [x] change permission on /dev/tty1 to allow group read
  • [ ] grant capability CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG to the fbi binary

The last part is what you missed (the cap).

One liner to get it:

setcap 'cap_sys_tty_config+ep' $(which fbi)


Also, to persist the permission on the tty on raspbian, look into

cat /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules | grep "\"tty\[0"