FBwebdialogs, not showing on ios sdk - swift

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Anyone else getting this error:

Error Domain=WebKitErrorDomain Code=101 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (WebKitErrorDomain error 101.)"

when using:

FBWebDialogs.presentDialogModallyWithSession(nil, dialog: "Share this", parameters: ["Sharing Tutorial": "name", "Build Great app": "Caption", "Users to share": "description", "http://google.ca":"link", "http://i.forbesimg.com/media/lists/companies/google_416x416.jpg": "picture"], handler: {
                result, resultURL, error in
                if (error != nil){
                    println("error publishing \(error.description)")
                } else {
                    if (result == FBWebDialogResult.DialogNotCompleted){
                        println("user cancelled")
                    } else {
                        println("very good job")

Not really sure why this is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks SO


There are 1 best solutions below


In swift, doesn't the key come first? So your parameter dictionary is backwards.

["name": "Sharing Tutorial", "caption": "Build Great app", "description": "Users to share", "link": "http://google.ca", "picture": "http://i.forbesimg.com/media/lists/companies/google_416x416.jpg"]