feign-reactor-core ReactiveRetryPolicy causing a huge delay in the api response from webTestClient

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I have an existing application on spring boot 2.4.4 running on Java 11. I am migrating to Java 17 and Spring boot 2.7.10. I am using feign-reactor-core to enable feign and have configured a retry policy







public class ReactiveFeignClientConfiguration {

    public ReactiveRetryPolicy reactiveRetryPolicy(final ReactiveFeignRetryConfiguration reactiveFeignRetryConfiguration) {
        return new FilteredReactiveRetryPolicy(new MyFeignReactiveRetryPolicy(Schedulers.parallel(), reactiveFeignRetryConfiguration),
                throwable -> throwable instanceof RetryableException || throwable instanceof ReadTimeoutException);


package com.my.client.reactive.rest.client.retry;

import feign.ExceptionPropagationPolicy;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import com.my.client.reactive.rest.client.config.ReactiveFeignRetryConfiguration;
import reactivefeign.retry.SimpleReactiveRetryPolicy;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler;

public class MyFeignReactiveRetryPolicy extends SimpleReactiveRetryPolicy {

    private final int maxAttempts;
    private final long interval;
    private final long maxInterval;

    public MyFeignReactiveRetryPolicy(Scheduler scheduler, ReactiveFeignRetryConfiguration reactiveFeignRetryConfiguration) {
        super(scheduler, ExceptionPropagationPolicy.UNWRAP);
        this.maxAttempts = reactiveFeignRetryConfiguration.getMaxAttempts();
        this.interval = reactiveFeignRetryConfiguration.getInterval();
        this.maxInterval = reactiveFeignRetryConfiguration.getMaxInterval();

    public long retryDelay(Throwable error, int attemptNo) {
        log.info("Feign attempt {} due to {}", attemptNo, error.getMessage());
        if (attemptNo == maxAttempts) {
            log.error("Max Attempts reached - {}", attemptNo);
            log.error("Error after max attempts - ", error);
            return -1;
        return this.interval;


Test Controller

public class ReactiveTestController {

    private IIntegrationTestController controller;

    public Mono<String> submitTestRequest(@RequestBody final Object obj) {
        log.info("Inside controller with content :{}", obj);
        return controller.checkHealth();
@ReactiveFeignClient(name = "test-client")
public interface IIntegrationTestController {

    Mono<String> checkHealth();


Test class

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
        classes = {MyApplication.class}) // spring runner application, no additional code
@AutoConfigureWebTestClient(timeout = "600000")
public class Test {
    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    private WebTestClient webTestClient;

    private WireMockServer mockHttpServer;

    void testFeign() throws Exception {
        final StubMapping stubMapping = stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/feigntest/health"))
                .willReturn(aResponse().withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
                        .withBody(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(new APIError(new FeignClientException(500, "error-error"), 500, "error")))

        Object obj = new Object();
        WebTestClient.ResponseSpec exchange = webTestClient.post().uri("/submitRequest")

        exchange.expectBody().consumeWith(body -> {

I am getting success from this test case in Java 17 with Spring 2.7.10, but its taking a lot of time in my system (MacOS) ~26 seconds

In Java 11 with Spring boot 2.4.4, this didn't take this long (gets success in under a second).

Also If I remove the ReactiveRetryPolicy bean, then its working fine and getting successful in less than a second in the upgraded versions.

What is going wrong here?


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