Fetch data subset from gmond

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This is in the context of a small data-center setup where the number of servers to be monitored are only in double-digits and may grow only slowly to few hundreds (if at all). I am a ganglia newbie and have just completed setting up a small ganglia test bed (and have been reading and playing with it). The couple of things I realise -

  • gmetad supports interactive queries on port 8652 using which I can get metric data subsets - say data of particular metric family in a specific cluster
  • gmond seems to always return the whole dump of data for all metrics from all nodes in a cluster (on doing 'netcat host 8649')

In my setup, I dont want to use gmetad or RRD. I want to directly fetch data from the multiple gmond clusters and store it in a single data-store. There are couple of reasons to not use gmetad and RRD -

  • I dont want multiple data-stores in the whole setup. I can have one dedicated machine to fetch data from the multiple, few clusters and store them
  • I dont plan to use gweb as the data front end. The data from ganglia will be fed into a different monitoring tool altogether. With this setup, I want to eliminate the latency that another layer of gmetad could add. That is, gmetad polls say every minute and my management tool polls gmetad every minute will add 2 minutes delay which I feel is unnecessary for a relatively small/medium sized setup

There are couple of problems in the approach for which I need help -

  • I cannot get filtered data from gmond. Is there some plugin that can help me fetch individual metric/metric-group information from gmond (since different metrics are collected in different intervals)
  • gmond output is very verbose text. Is there some other (hopefully binary) format that I can configure for export?
  • Is my idea of eliminating gmetad/RRD completely a very bad idea? Has anyone tried this approach before? What should I be careful of, in doing so from a data collection standpoint.

Thanks in advance.


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