Am trying to find the list of tasks under a specific story by passing the story Formatted ID, but am not getting the tasks listed under that story.
QueryRequest taskRequest = new QueryRequest("task");
taskRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("FormattedID","Name","PlanEstimate"));
taskRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("FormattedID","=","TJ87631"));
QueryResponse taskRes = restApi.query(taskRequest);
int count = taskRes.getTotalResultCount();
System.out.println("task count is " + count);
I tried passing projectRef and WorkspaceRef to the QueryFiletr even though i have passed Story FormattedID which actually suffice.
Please let me know, what's wrong in the code...
Just guessing; maybe the query is looking for "programming language" like comparison instructions, like:
Meaning: try using "==" instead of "=" !