FFT with hamming window smoothing and extracting data from automatically generated plot

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I need some help doing time series analysis, specifically Fast Fourier transformations with hamming window smoothing.


  1. is fftper() the appropriate function for FFT with hamming window smoothing in R?

  2. How can I extract or generate the frequency values of the fftper output plot?

  3. I am looking for daily cycles, so to transform the frequency data back into a 'time' variable, do I divide the frequency values by 1/24? (e.g. measles example here: http://web.stanford.edu/class/earthsys214/notes/series.html)

Long version

I have timestamped acoustic detection data for a bunch of individual animals. For each individual, I have binned the number of detections by hour and converted this to a time series using ts() with a frequency of 24 (looking at daily patterns in detections). With these data, I want to apply hamming window smoothing and then a FFT and generate a periodogram of these data. I also want extract the frequency values (x axis) and convert these from frequency to time period (hours).

I have managed to generate the periodogram on the FFT and hamming windowed data this using the fftper() function in the TSSS package. The automatically generated plots look right. I now want to extract the frequency values (x axis values) and the power values (y axis values) used in the plot, so I can transform the frequency (x axis values) data back into a time variable (i.e. using I think frequency/(1/24)?), and then plot it nicely with ggplot. fftper generates an spg object that is structured like this:

List of 4
 $ period         : num [1:65] 10.43 1.95 2.36 2.57 1.9 ...
 $ smoothed.period: num [1:65] 0.815 0.601 0.364 0.374 0.348 ...
 $ log.scale      : chr "TRUE"
 $ tsname         : chr "hourly_ts"
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "spg"

I can extract the y-axis values (smoothed period values or power) with FFTpower <- FFT[["smoothed.period"]] but I can't see where the x-axis values are stored or figure out how to generate them.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Dummy data:

df <- read.table(text =
               "timestampUTC    ID
'2017-10-02 19:23:27'    47280
'2017-10-02 19:26:48'    47280
'2017-10-02 19:27:23'    47280
'2017-10-02 19:31:46'    47280
'2017-10-02 23:52:15'    47280
'2017-10-02 23:53:26'    47280
'2017-10-02 23:55:13'    47280
'2017-10-03 19:53:50'    47280
'2017-10-03 19:55:23'    47280
'2017-10-03 19:58:26'    47280
'2017-10-04 13:15:13'    47280
'2017-10-04 13:16:42'    47280
'2017-10-04 13:21:39'    47280
'2017-10-04 19:34:54'    47280
'2017-10-04 19:55:28'    47280
'2017-10-04 20:08:23'    47280
'2017-10-04 20:21:43'    47280
'2017-10-05 04:55:48'    47280
'2017-10-05 04:57:04'    47280
'2017-10-05 05:18:40'    47280
'2017-10-07 21:24:19'    47280
'2017-10-07 21:25:36'    47280
'2017-10-07 21:29:25'    47280", header = T)


#convert datetime
df$timestampUTC<-as.POSIXct(df$timestampUTC, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")

#keep only datetime column and add second column with frequency of 1
df<-df %>%

#bin into hours
hourly_detections <- df %>%
  mutate(processed_hour = floor_date(timestampUTC, "hour")) %>%
  summarise(count = sum(Frequency))

#set time frame using max and min hours
time_frame <- as_datetime(c(min(floor_date(df$timestampUTC,"hour")),(max(ceiling_date(df$timestampUTC,"hour"))-1)),tz="Australia/Sydney")

#combine detection hour and non-detections hour dfs
all_hours <- data.frame(processed_hour = seq(time_frame[1], time_frame[2], by = "hour"))

#build df with every hour and set count to 0 for 'new' hours
hourly_detections <- hourly_detections %>%
  right_join(all_hours, by = "processed_hour") %>%
  mutate(count = ifelse(test = is.na(count),yes  = 0,no   = count))

#set up time series
hourly_ts <- ts(hourly_detections$count, start= min(hourly_detections$processed_hour), frequency=24) 

#FFT with hamming widow smoothing
FFT<-fftper(hourly_ts, window = 2, plot = TRUE)

#extract y (power) values

#extract x values?

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