Figuring out if IP addresses are public or private for use in chef recipes

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I'm using Chef to automate deployment of various SmartOS zones. I'm trying to figure out what the correct way of determining if a network interface has a public or private address and keeping track of that. For generic Apache Listen and NameVirtualHost directives the following is sufficient:

ips = []
links = %x{dladm show-vnic -o link | grep -v LINK}.strip.split("\n")
links.each do |link|
  ips << %x{ifconfig #{link} | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'}.strip

For ipfilter rules I need to have two different classes of rules. Rules that get applied to public interfaces and then apply a different set to private interfaces. Should I be passing all the interfaces to chef via the json configuration file rather than figuring it out inside recipes?


There are 1 best solutions below


ohai generates attribute data at runtime.

in particular you may be interested in

$ sudo ohai network/interfaces

and the related


You will still have to reject RFC1918 inet4 addresses and check the link scope is global for inet6