File picked by file_picker package does not exist in flutter

361 Views Asked by At

I want to pick an audio file in Flutter. I use file_picker package to pick an audio file. After picking it, I want to upload the file to AWS Storage, but the file in the path of the picked file does not exist. I check it by the following code snippet:

FilePickerResult? pickedAudioResult = await FilePicker.platform
          .pickFiles(type: FileType.any, withData: true);

if (pickedAudioResult == null) return;
PlatformFile pickedFile = pickedAudio.files.single;

print('Does file exist? ${await File(pickedFile.path!).exists()}');
print('File name: ${}');
print('File extension: ${pickedFile.extension}');
print('File path: ${pickedFile.path}');
print('File size: ${pickedFile.size}');

And the log output is:

Does file exist? false
File name: best ringtones - most romantic 2018.mp3
File extension: mp3
File path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.salamgram.salamgram/files/Ringtones/best ringtones - most romantic 2018.mp3
File size: 0

I am confused by its strange behavior as it gives some info but doesn't give other. So how can I get the chosen file as a File object?


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