Firebase emulator does not stop when run with Golang exec command

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I'm using the information in this article to build tests for Firestore using the firebase emulator.

The emulator starts correctly, tests run, but the despite the SIGKILL (and I tried other signals) the emulator is not cleaned up after the tests finish.

This is how my main_test.go looks like:

package main

import (

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    // command to start firestore emulator
    cmd := exec.Command("firebase", "emulators:start")

    // this makes it killable
    cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setpgid: true}

    // we need to capture it's output to know when it's started
    stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
    if err != nil {
    defer stdout.Close()

    if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {

    var result int
    defer func() {
        syscall.Kill(-cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGKILL)

    started := make(chan bool)
    go func() {
        buf := make([]byte, 512, 512)
        for {
            n, err := stdout.Read(buf[:])
            if err != nil {
                if err == io.EOF {
                log.Fatalf("reading stdout %v", err)

            if n > 0 {
                d := string(buf[:n])

                // only required if we want to see the emulator output
                fmt.Printf("%s", d)

                // checking for the message that it's started
                if strings.Contains(d, "All emulators ready") {
                    started <- true

    done := make(chan error, 1)
    go func() {
        done <- cmd.Wait()

    select {
    case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
        log.Fatal("Failed to start the command for 10 seconds")
    case err := <-done:
        log.Fatalf("------\nCommand has finished unexpectedly with error: %v", err)
    case <-started:
        log.Print("Command started successully... running tests")

    log.Print("BEFORE running tests")
    result = m.Run()
    time.Sleep(time.Minute) // to simulate that it take some times to run tests
    log.Print("AFTER running tests")

The output of go test . -v is looking ok:

i  emulators: Starting emulators: firestore
i  firestore: Firestore Emulator logging to firestore-debug.log
i  ui: Emulator UI logging to ui-debug.log

│ ✔  All emulators ready! View status and logs at http://localhost:4000 │
2020/10/13 16:20:29 Command started successully... running tests
2020/10/13 16:20:29 BEFORE running tests
testing: warning: no tests to run
2020/10/13 16:20:29 AFTER running tests
ok      go/src/test (cached) [no tests to run]

But firebase emulator is not properly cleaned up (if I start the same command again, it fails complaining that port 4000 is already in use). The following processes are found lingering:

### snippet from netstat -anp:
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      25187/firebase
tcp6       0      0          :::*                    LISTEN      25160/cloud-firesto

### snippet from ps axu:
user 25187 /usr/local/bin/firebase /home/.cache/firebase/emulators/ui-v1.1.1/server.bundle.js
user 25160 /home/.cache/firebase/emulators/cloud-firestore-emulator-v1.11.7.jar --launcher_javabase=/usr/local/buildtools/java/jdk11 -Duser.language=en run --host localhost --port 8080 --rules /home/firestore.rules

Any ideas what's wrong? ... or other ideas on how to test my main function (that uses Firestore as a backend)?


There are 2 best solutions below


Short answer: Go exec does not kill the child processes. More details here: Why won't Go kill a child process correctly?

Per the recommendations in here I decided to use:

firebase emulators:exec "go test"

which clears the emulator correctly after the tests finish.


I had the same problem, but changing from SIGKILL to SIGINT solved it for me. That is, I changed:

    defer func() {
        syscall.Kill(-cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGKILL)


    defer func() {
        syscall.Kill(-cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGINT)

I was glad this worked, because using the firebase emulators:exec "go test" method didn't let me keep my existing CI setup.