Fitting an R linear model with poly() gives incorrect coefficients

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I have the following data:

Point chart showing polynomial curve

Which looks quadratic. If I fit a quadratic curve using I() I get coefficients that make sense:

> modelI = lm(
   formula = Y ~ I(X^2) + I(X),
   data = df

> modelI
 lm(formula = Y ~ I(X^2) + I(X), data = df)
 (Intercept)       I(X^2)         I(X)  
   4.822e-02   -4.426e-05    3.229e-05  

I fitted a quadratic curve using the same data in Excel, and got exactly the same coefficients, so this is probably correct. However, when I do the same using poly, I get completely wrong coefficients:

> modelPoly = lm(
   formula = Y ~ poly(X, degree = 2),
   data = df

> modelPoly

 lm(formula = Y ~ poly(X, degree = 2), data = df)
          (Intercept)  poly(X, degree = 2)1  poly(X, degree = 2)2  
             0.048067              0.002358             -0.004766  

Why is this please?


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As @Limey comments on the post, the problem was orthagonal polynomials. Using raw = TRUE in poly() fixed the issue.