Flex 3/JS - 407 error when opening a sqeezebox

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I need to open a link using a squeezebox (in combination with the mootools 1.2.4).
So, I've created a test.js (which contains a function to open a squeezebox), a Test.mxml application (containing a button that calls the js function) and I added all the scripts in the html page.


function openSqueezeBox(url){

    alert("Tentative d'ouverture de: " + url);



        private function btnHandler1(e:MouseEvent):void{
            ExternalInterface.call("openSqueezeBox", 'http://www.google.com');

    <mx:Button label="google" click="btnHandler1(event)"/>

When launching the application and clicking the button, I do get the alert window. However, the squeezebox is not opening. I get a 407 error: proxy authentication required.
I am indeed behind a proxy in my workplace, however the application is launched in a browser window that's already authenticated...

I do not really now what to do to get it work >_< So if anyone can enlighten me, it'd be really appreciated =)

Thanks a lot for your time ;)


There are 1 best solutions below


External pages are loaded in an IFrame. You can try to load images or normal elements in the SB and see if it throws the same error.