Flutter build Proguard configuration rule does not match anything

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I am running a Flutter release build and am getting warnings Proguard configuration rule does not match anything. See below for a full list.

Should this be raised to Flutter GitHub issues or am I doing something wrong?

My build command is: flutter build appbundle --release --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./build/symbols (same happens if I remove --obfuscate flag)

My project does not contain any proguard-rules.pro files.

My app/build.gradle config is:

buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release

            ndk {
                abiFilters 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86_64'  //, 'x86'

            minifyEnabled true
            shrinkResources true

I am using the following build tools and settings:

  • Gradle 8.4
  • Gradle plugin 8.1.2
  • Kotlin 1.9.10
  • Java 17
  • ndk Version 26.0.1909125
  • compileSdkVersion 34
  • minSdkVersion 28
  • targetSdkVersion 34

Full list of warnings

Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers class j$.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$TreeBin {
  int lockState;
Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers class j$.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap {
  int sizeCtl;
  int transferIndex;
  long baseCount;
  int cellsBusy;
Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers class j$.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$CounterCell {
  long value;
Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers enum * {
  public static **[] values();
  public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
  public static final synthetic <fields>;
Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers class j$.util.IntSummaryStatistics {
  long count;
  long sum;
  int min;
  int max;
Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers class j$.util.LongSummaryStatistics {
  long count;
  long sum;
  long min;
  long max;
Info: Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: `-keepclassmembers class j$.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics {
  long count;
  double sum;
  double min;
  double max;

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