flutter_facebook_login and AWS: Invalid login token. Not a valid OpenId Connect identity token

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I am new to Flutter and AWS and I made a small project with facebook authentication. using:

  • amazon_cognito_identity_dart: ^0.0.22
  • flutter_facebook_login: ^3.0.0


  • Configured an API with a POST method
  • Created a new Cognito User Pool
  • Created a new App Client in the new Cognito User Pool
  • Created a new Cognito Identity Pool with Facebook AppID from Facebook

I have a sign in function

signInFacebook() async {
    final facebookLoginResult = await signInWithFacebook();
    final credentials = new Credentials(

a method signInWithFacebook:

import 'package:flutter_facebook_login/flutter_facebook_login.dart';

Future<FacebookLoginResult> signInWithFacebook() async {
  final facebookLogin = FacebookLogin();
  final facebookLoginResult = await facebookLogin.logIn(['email']);
  return facebookLoginResult;

a class Credentials:

import 'package:amazon_cognito_identity_dart/cognito.dart';

class Credentials {
  final CognitoCredentials _cognitoCredentials;
  final String _token;

  Credentials(String identityPoolId, String userPoolId, String clientId, this._token)
      : _cognitoCredentials = new CognitoCredentials(identityPoolId, new CognitoUserPool(userPoolId, clientId));

  Future<CognitoCredentials> get cognitoCredentials async {
    await _cognitoCredentials.getAwsCredentials(_token);
    return _cognitoCredentials;

and a credentials.dart with the Cognito credentials and the endpoint of the API

The problem is when it executes the method:

    await _cognitoCredentials.getAwsCredentials(_token);

I get the following error:

 CognitoClientException{statusCode: 400, code: NotAuthorizedException, name: NotAuthorizedException, message: Invalid login token. Not a valid OpenId Connect identity token.}

Why is the token I receive from facebook not valid? Am I missing something?


There are 1 best solutions below


i solved updating to the

  amazon_cognito_identity_dart_2: ^0.1.19

and using the method

await _cognitoCredentials.getAwsCredentials(_token, 'graph.facebook.com');