Flutter WebRTC: How to Maintain WebRTC Call During App Background Execution?

185 Views Asked by At

I'm working on a Flutter app that incorporates WebRTC for audio/video calls. The WebRTC calls work well when the app is in the foreground, but I'm facing challenges in maintaining the call when the app goes into the background as the OS terminates operation inside the app and kills the voip instance

How I can make it work even when the app goes background or terminated state?

sample code:

 class VoipApp with WidgetsBindingObserver implements WebRTCDelegate {
        bool background = false;
        final BuildContext context;
        late final VoIP voIP;
        bool _canHandleNewCall = true;
        VoipApp(this.context) {
            voIP = VoIP(locator<Client>(), this);
      void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState? state) {
        background = (state == AppLifecycleState.detached ||
            state == AppLifecycleState.paused);
      bool get canHandleNewCall => _canHandleNewCall;
      Future<webrtc_impl.RTCPeerConnection> createPeerConnection(
          Map<String, dynamic> configuration,
          [Map<String, dynamic> constraints = const {}]) {
        return webrtc_impl.createPeerConnection(configuration, constraints);
      webrtc_impl.VideoRenderer createRenderer() {
        return webrtc_impl.RTCVideoRenderer();
      Future<void> handleCallEnded(CallSession session) async {
        _canHandleNewCall = true;
      Future<void> handleGroupCallEnded(GroupCall groupCall) async {
        throw UnimplementedError();
      Future<void> handleMissedCall(CallSession session) async {
        Logs().i("MISSED CALL");
      Future<void> handleNewCall(CallSession session) async {
        _canHandleNewCall = true;
        switch (session.direction) {
          case CallDirection.kIncoming:
            Logs().i("[VOIP] INCOMING CALL");
                builder: (context) => CallScreen(
                  callSession: session,
          case CallDirection.kOutgoing:
            Logs().i("[VOIP] OUTGOING CALL");
                builder: (context) => CallScreen(
                  callSession: session,
      Future<void> handleNewGroupCall(GroupCall groupCall) {
        throw UnimplementedError();
      bool get isWeb => kIsWeb;
      webrtc_interface.MediaDevices get mediaDevices =>
      Future<void> playRingtone() async {
    Future<void> stopRingtone() async {}

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