FMI Toolbox Matlab Azure Devops CI Pipeline Bugs with network service account

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I'm making a CI pipeline for a Matlab/Simulink project on Azure DevOps. The build pipeline is stable and reproduce same output as local computer execution. The test pipeline however is bugging. Any solution is welcome!


My project uses Modelon FMI toolbox to run plant models. My local computer runs all matlab unit test, which run a Simulink file including my Modelon FMU, without any issue and generate a jUnit Test report xml. I called the same files to run using a azure-pipeline.yml file.


I expected the same result as my local run with the same pass/fail result showed on the job run CLI.


At execution from Azure Pipeline those FMU plant cause a failure on all my test. it's the same error 29 times.

Error occurred in TestSim/testSim(File=****************_slx) and it did not run to completion.
Error ID:
Error Details:
Error using testRunner (line 18)
An error occurred during simulation of Model block '*******************/PLANT_*****'.
Error in TestSim/testSim (line 31)
simOutRes = testRunner(File,duration);
Caused by:
Error using testRunner (line 18)
An error occurred during simulation of Model block 'PLANT_*****/*****/************'.
Error using testRunner (line 18)
Error reported by S-function 'sfun_fmu_cs_********' in 'PLANT_******************/******************************':
Error: FMI Toolbox running in DEMO mode: Only examples included in the FMI Toolbox distribution can be run.
Please contact [email protected] in order to obtain an evaluation license or to purchase FMI Toolbox for MATLAB.


This is what I tried.

  1. I verified I had the appropriate licenses:
Version of the Licensing toolkit client library
    v11.10.0.0 build 95001 x64_n6
Performing test for feature: FMI_TOOLBOX
    Feature: 'FMI_TOOLBOX'
    Feature version: '2021.0625'
    Feature is checked out
License type:
    Server license IP: ******.******.***.***
    2/2 licenses in use
Expiration date:
Number of days until expiration:
Start date:
License number:
Daemon name:
    Customer ************* Product FMI ToolBox for Matlab
    Modelon AB

  1. I changed the user account of the Azure Pipeline Agent Service that was running to my own account and all worked fine . It build & test all my FMU blocks like it did locally and then publish report on Azure Pipelines. I see the bug only happens on Azure default network service account. For security reasons and other reasons, I would also like it to work on network services.

  2. I did some quick lecture online.


There are 1 best solutions below



I found that Network Service Account and My User Account use different %APPDATA% folder.




In the network service folder I had nothing, but in my folder I had a fmi_licence.lic file with this content:

SERVER **************.com ANY  *****

Upon adding the file to my Network service %APPDATA%, and adding these line to my Azure Pipeline YMAL File, the licence checked out to be a working network license and my project stopped working on DEMO mode when running on Network Service Account.

 #Making FMI Toolbox licence check
  - script: |
      echo fmitoolbox_license; > fmitoolboxLicenseCheck.m
    displayName: 'Making FMI Toolbox licence check' 

#FMI Toolbox licence check Action
  - task: RunMATLABCommand@0
      command: fmitoolboxLicenseCheck
    displayName: 'FMI Toolbox Licence Check Action'

More reading:

Find temp folder for user Network Service?