Assume we have a d-ary heap and we index the nodes from top to bottom and from left to right(starting with 1). Then the children from node i are the nodes with index di,...,di+(d-1). I read this formula in a couple of books but in none of them were an explanation why these formulas are true. Maybe I am overlooking something but is it really that clear that these formulas are true?
formula for index of a children of a node in a d-ary heap
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I find
d * i + 2 - d
for the index of the first child, if items are numbered starting from 1. Here is the reasoningEach row contains the children of the previous row. If
are the number of items on rowr
, one must haven[r+1] = d * n[r]
, which proves thatn[r] = d**r
if the first row is numbered0
. The index of the first item of rowr
isf[r] = 1 + (d**r - 1)/(d - 1)
by the sum of geometric sequences. If item X with numberi
is on rowr
, let's writei = f[r] + k
with0 <= k < d**r
. There arek
items on the row before X, hence there ared * k
items before X's first child on row r+1. The index of X's first child isf[r+1] + d * k = f[r+1] + d * (i - f[r])
The calculus givesd * i + 2 - d
for the index of the first child.Actually, if we start numbering the items from 0 instead of 1, the formula becomes simply
d * i + 1
for the index of the first child, and this can be easily proven by induction because the index of the first child of itemi+1
is obtained by addingd
, but(d * i + 1) + d = d * (i + 1) + 1