Forward Rx items with a cooldown, switching to sampling when they come too fast

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I'm looking for the Rx method that will take an observable and put the latest item on a 'cooldown', so that when items are coming in slower than the cooldown they're just forwarded but when they're coming in faster you just get the latest value after each cooldown period.

Said a different way, I want to switch to sampling with period t when items are separated by less than t time (and switch back when they're spread out).

This is really similar to what Observable.Throttle does, except that the timer is not reset whenever a new item arrives.

The application I have in mind is for sending 'latest value' updates across the network. I don't want to communicate a value unless it has changed, and I don't want to spam a rapidly changing value so much that I swamp out other data.

Is there a standard method that does what I need?


There are 4 best solutions below


Strilanc, given your concern about unwanted activity when the source stream is quiet, you might be interested in this method of pacing events - I wasn't going to add this otherwise, as I think J. Lennon's implementation is perfectly reasonable (and much simpler), and the performance of the timer isn't going to hurt.

There is one other interesting difference in this implementation - it differs from the Sample approach because it emits events occurring outside the cooldown period immediately rather than at the next sampling interval. It maintains no timer outside the cooldown.

EDIT - Here is v3 solving the issue Chris mentioned in the comments - it ensures that changes occurring during the cool-down themselves trigger a new cool-down period.

    public static IObservable<T> LimitRate<T>(
        this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan duration, IScheduler scheduler)
        return source.DistinctUntilChanged()
                     .GroupByUntil(k => 0,
                                   g => Observable.Timer(duration, scheduler))
            .SelectMany(x => x.FirstAsync()
                              .Select(x => Observable.Return(x)
                                    .Delay(duration, scheduler)))

This works by initially using a GroupByUntil to pack all events into the same group for the duration of the cool-down period. It watches for changes and emits the final change (if any) as the group expires.

Then the resulting events are projected into a streams whose OnCompleted is delayed by the cool-down period. These streams are then concatenated together. This prevents events being any closer together than the cool-down, but otherwise they are emitted as soon as possible.

Here are the unit tests (updated for v3 edit), which you can run using nuget packages rx-testing and nunit:

public class LimitRateTests : ReactiveTest
    public void SlowerThanRateIsUnchanged()
        var scheduler = new TestScheduler();

        var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
            OnNext(200, 1),
            OnNext(400, 2),
            OnNext(700, 3));

        var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();

        source.LimitRate(TimeSpan.FromTicks(100), scheduler).Subscribe(results);


            OnNext(200, 1),
            OnNext(400, 2),
            OnNext(700, 3));

    public void FasterThanRateIsSampled()
        var scheduler = new TestScheduler();

        var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(140, 5),
            OnNext(150, 2),
            OnNext(300, 3),
            OnNext(350, 4));

        var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();

        source.LimitRate(TimeSpan.FromTicks(100), scheduler).Subscribe(results);


            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(200, 2),
            OnNext(300, 3),
            OnNext(400, 4));

    public void DuplicatesAreOmitted()
        var scheduler = new TestScheduler();

        var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(150, 1),
            OnNext(300, 1),
            OnNext(350, 1));

        var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();

        source.LimitRate(TimeSpan.FromTicks(100), scheduler).Subscribe(results);


            OnNext(100, 1));

    public void CoolResetsCorrectly()
        var scheduler = new TestScheduler();

        var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(150, 2),
            OnNext(205, 3));

        var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();

        source.LimitRate(TimeSpan.FromTicks(100), scheduler).Subscribe(results);


            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(200, 2),
            OnNext(300, 3));

    public void MixedPacingWorks()
        var scheduler = new TestScheduler();

        var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(150, 1),
            OnNext(450, 3),
            OnNext(750, 4),
            OnNext(825, 5));

        var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();

        source.LimitRate(TimeSpan.FromTicks(100), scheduler).Subscribe(results);


            OnNext(100, 1),
            OnNext(450, 3),
            OnNext(750, 4),
            OnNext(850, 5));

You can use the Observable.DistinctUntilChanged and Observable.Sample.


This method will surface values only if they are different from the previous value. (


The Sample method simply takes the last value for every specified TimeSpan. (

To generate the desired effect, you can combine the first item generated with those described above.


Self answer.

Although I asked in terms of Rx, my actual case is in terms of a port of it (ReactiveCocoa). More people know Rx, and I could translate.

Anyways, I ended up implementing it directly so that it could satisfy the latency/performance properties I wanted:

-(RACSignal*)cooldown:(NSTimeInterval)cooldownPeriod onScheduler:(RACScheduler *)scheduler {
    need(cooldownPeriod >= 0);
    need(scheduler != nil);
    need(scheduler != RACScheduler.immediateScheduler);

    force(cooldownPeriod != 0); //todo: bother with no-cooldown case?
    force(!isinf(cooldownPeriod)); //todo: bother with infinite case?

    return [[RACSignal createSignal:^(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
        need(subscriber != nil);

        NSObject* lock = [NSObject new];
        __block bool isCoolingDown = false;
        __block bool hasDelayedValue = false;
        __block id delayedValue = nil;
        __block RACDisposable *cooldownDisposer = nil;
        void (^onCanSendValue)(void) = ^{
            @synchronized (lock) {
                // check that we were actually cooling down
                // (e.g. what if the system thrashed before we could dispose the running-down timer, causing a redundant call?)
                if (!isCoolingDown) {

                // if no values arrived during the cooldown, we do nothing and can stop the timer for now
                if (!hasDelayedValue) {
                    isCoolingDown = false;
                    [cooldownDisposer dispose];

                // forward latest value
                id valueToSend = delayedValue;
                hasDelayedValue = false;
                delayedValue = nil;
                // todo: can this be avoided?
                // holding a lock while triggering arbitrary actions cam introduce subtle deadlock cases...
                [subscriber sendNext:valueToSend];
        void (^preemptivelyEndCooldown)(void) = ^{
            // forward latest value AND ALSO force cooldown to run out (disposing timer)

        RACDisposable *selfDisposable = [self subscribeNext:^(id x) {
            bool didStartCooldown;
            @synchronized (lock) {
                hasDelayedValue = true;
                delayedValue = x;
                didStartCooldown = !isCoolingDown;
                isCoolingDown = true;

            if (didStartCooldown) {
                // first item gets sent right away
                // coming items have to wait for the timer to run down
                cooldownDisposer = [[RACSignal interval:cooldownPeriod onScheduler:scheduler]
                                    subscribeNext:^(id _) { onCanSendValue(); }];
        } error:^(NSError *error) {
            [subscriber sendError:error];
        } completed:^{
            [subscriber sendCompleted];

        return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
            [selfDisposable dispose];
            @synchronized (lock) {
                isCoolingDown = false;
                [cooldownDisposer dispose];
    }] setNameWithFormat:@"[%@ cooldown:%@]",, @(cooldownPeriod)];

It should translate almost directly to .Net RX. It will stop doing any work when items stop arriving, and it will forward items as soon as possible while respecting the cooldown.


I realize this has already been answered for some time, but I'd like to provide an alternate solution which I think more accurately matches the original requirement. This solution introduces 2 custom operators.

First is SampleImmediate, which works exactly like Sample, except it sends the first item immediately. This is accomplished via a number of operators. Materialize / Dematerialize and DistinctUntilChanged work together to ensure no duplicate notifications are sent. Merge, Take(1), and Sample provide the basic "Sample Immediately" functionality. Publish and Connect tie those together. GroupBy and SelectMany makes sure we wait for the first event to yield before starting our timer. Create helps us properly dispose of everything.

public static IObservable<T> SampleImmediate<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan dueTime)
    return source
        .GroupBy(x => 0)
        .SelectMany(group =>
            return Observable.Create<T>(o =>
                var connectable = group.Materialize().Publish();

                var sub = Observable.Merge(

                return new CompositeDisposable(connectable.Connect(), sub);

After we have SampleImmediate we can create Cooldown by using GroupByUntil to group all events that occur until our sliding Throttle window has closed. Once we have our group, we simply SampleImmediate the whole thing.

public static IObservable<T> Cooldown<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan dueTime)
    return source
        .GroupByUntil(x => 0, group => group.Throttle(dueTime))
        .SelectMany(group => group.SampleImmediate(dueTime));

In no way am I suggesting this solution is better or faster, I just thought it might be nice to see an alternative approach.