From/To filter for numeric columns in jQuery Tablesorter?

730 Views Asked by At

Looking at this example:

How can I set the From/To filter (with two text input fields) like in the last Date column but in a numbers only column, like Total column in that example above?

As in, I don't want the slider in the Total column, I want the two From/To fields instead. Is that possible? And how? Which plugin/widget do I need to use and with what parameters?



There are 1 best solutions below


You will end up writing your own custom filter formatter to add two numeric input fields; it isn't that straight-forward, but most of the code from the jQuery UI datepicker (2 inputs) formatter can be copied & modified to suit your needs.

In a future update, I plan to replace the filter_formatter functions with an option that only needs to return a query value for a column. This change will enable developers to build their own custom filter row with a custom UI and not be limited by the code available for the filter_formatter.

Ok, here you go (demo)

/*! Widget: filter formatter functions - created 6/24/2015 *//*
 * requires: tableSorter (FORK) 2.15+ and jQuery 1.4.3+
 * number range - 2 number inputs
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
/*global jQuery: false */
"use strict";

var ts = $.tablesorter || {},

tsff = ts.filterFormatter = $.extend( {}, ts.filterFormatter, {

    2 number inputs
    inputs: function($cell, indx, defNumber) {
        var o = $.extend({
            // filter formatter options
            textFrom : 'from',
            textTo : 'to',
            from : 0, // "from" input
            to : 100, // "to" input
            callback: function($cell){}
        }, defNumber),
        $shcell = [],
        c = $cell.closest('table')[0].config,
        // Add a hidden input to hold the range values
        $input = $('<input class="numberRange" type="hidden">')
            // hidden filter update namespace trigger by filter widget
            .bind('change' + c.namespace + 'filter', function(){
                var v = this.value;
                if (v.match(' - ')) {
                    v = v.split(' - ');
                } else if (v.match('>=')) {
                    closeNumber( v.replace('>=', '') );
                } else if (v.match('<=')) {
                    closeNumber( v.replace('<=', '') );

        // make sure we're using parsed numbers in the search
        $hdr = c.$headerIndexed[ indx ].addClass('filter-parsed'),
        // Add range picker
        t = '<label>' + o.textFrom + '</label><input type="number" class="numberFrom" placeholder="' +
            ($'placeholderFrom') || $hdr.attr('data-placeholder-from') || c.widgetOptions.filter_placeholder.from || '') + '" />' +
            '<label>' + o.textTo + '</label><input type="number" class="numberTo" placeholder="' +
            ($'placeholderTo') || $hdr.attr('data-placeholder-to') || || '') + '" />';

        closeNumber = function( selectedNumber ) {
            var range,
                from = $cell.find('.numberFrom').val(),
                to = $cell.find('.numberTo').val();
            range = from ? ( to ? from + ' - ' + to : '>=' + from ) : (to ? '<=' + to : '');
            $cell.add( $shcell )

            if (/<=/.test(range)) {
                $cell.add( $shcell )
                    .find('.numberFrom').val( to || 0 ).end()
                    .find('.numberTo').val( to || 0 );
            } else if (/>=/.test(range)) {
                $cell.add( $shcell )
                    .find('.numberFrom').val( from || 0 ).end()
                    .find('.numberTo').val( from || 0 );
            } else {
                $cell.add( $shcell )
                    .find('.numberFrom').val( from || 0 ).end()
                    .find('.numberTo').val( to || 0 );

            if (typeof o.callback === 'function') { o.callback($cell); }

        $cell.add( $shcell )
            .val( o.from ).end()
            .val( ).end()
            .find('.numberFrom, .numberTo')
            .bind('change', function(){

        // update date compare from hidden input, in case of saved filters
        c.$table.bind('filterFomatterUpdate', function(){
            var val = $input.val() || '',
                from = o.from,
                to =;
            // date range
            if (/\s+-\s+/.test(val)){
                val = val.split(/\s+-\s+/) || [];
                from = val[0] || '';
                to = val[1] || '';
            } else if (/>=/.test(val)) {
                // greater than date (to date empty)
                from = val.replace(/>=/, '') || '';
            } else if (/<=/.test(val)) {
                // less than date (from date empty)
                to = val.replace(/<=/, '') || '';

            $cell.add($shcell).find('.numberFrom').val( from || 0 );
            $cell.add($shcell).find('.numberTo').val( to || 0 );
            // give datepicker time to process
                ts.filter.formatterUpdated($cell, indx);
            }, 0);

        // has sticky headers?
        c.$table.bind('stickyHeadersInit', function(){
            $shcell = c.widgetOptions.$sticky.find('.tablesorter-filter-row').children().eq(indx).empty();

            // add a jQuery datepicker!
            $shcell.find('.numberFrom').val( o.from );
            $shcell.find('.numberTo').val( );


        // on reset
        $cell.closest('table').bind('filterReset', function(){
            $cell.add($shcell).find('.numberFrom').val( o.from || 0 );
            $cell.add($shcell).find('.numberTo').val( || 0 );
            }, 0);

        // return the hidden input so the filter widget has a reference to it
        return $input.val( o.from ? ( ? o.from + ' - ' + : '>=' + o.from ) : ( ? '<=' + : '') );

