fullpage.js can't move to next section on touch device

2.4k Views Asked by At

I've set up a website using fullpage.js. I have now problems on touch-devices: When autoScrolling is enabled I often can't swipe to an other section. It's like your already on the bottom of the page. I have this issue on all touch-devices I've tried (Ipad & Iphone with Chrome and Safari, Android with Chrome). On a desktop computer i don't have this problem.

Visit www.airport-signage.com to see the issue.

My settings for fullpage.js:

$(document).ready(function() {
            anchors: ['home', 'approach', 'work', 'services', 'company', 'team', 'contact'],
            menu: '#menu',
            'autoScrolling': true,
            'controlArrows': true,
            'slidesNavigation': false,
            'verticalCentered': false,
            'touchSensitivity': 5,
            'css3': true,
            'fixedElements': '#fixedHeader',
            'scrollOverflow': true,
            'normalScrollElements': '#map_canvas',
            'sectionsColor': ['#3df945', '#000', '#fff', '#3df945', '#000', '#fff', '#3df945'],
            'onLeave': function(){


What could the problem be? How can I fix it?


There are 2 best solutions below


Just wondering if the original poster ever figured out what was up.

I recently started using fullPage.js and it's not working as intended on mobile Chrome after inserting anchors for better navigation.


removing 'normalScrollElements': #map_canvas', helped me to get rid of the issue.