Function by row pairs instead all-to-all (dist_google of stplanr in R)

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I'm working with OD data with stplanr package. My interest in this package is to compute route distances and times specially for walking and public transport modes. I have some OD points coordinates resulted from the od2odf() used on a desire lines object. How can I perform dist_google() of stplanr package just for row pairs of points, not all-to-all as the function do?

dline_coords <-
  structure(list(code_o = c("355030843000199", "355030892000149"
), code_d = c("2787458", "2027720"), fx = c(-46.75786949, -46.59211679
), fy = c(-23.68324013, -23.49609762), tx = c(-46.7574929661601, 
-46.5905849090996), ty = c(-23.6920856941273, -23.4999753327844
)), .Names = c("code_o", "code_d", "fx", "fy", "tx", "ty"), row.names = c(55L, 
130L), class = "data.frame")

Each pair of points are row wise combined, fx and fy variables representing "from" points and tx and ty the "to" points.

             code_o  code_d        fx        fy        tx        ty
55  355030843000199 2787458 -46.75787 -23.68324 -46.75749 -23.69209
130 355030892000149 2027720 -46.59212 -23.49610 -46.59058 -23.49998

If I call the function, it calculate distance and route time for all combinations of pairs:

distances <- dist_google(from=dline_coords[1:2,3:4], to=dline_coords[1:2,5:6], mode="walking")
[1] 4   6

# if line index is not explicit, it returns an error
# distances <- dist_google(from=dline_coords[,3:4], to=dline_coords[,5:6])

But I want this result instead the all-to-all combinations:

distances <-
  rbind(dist_google(from=dline_coords[1,3:4], to=dline_coords[1,5:6]),
        dist_google(from=dline_coords[2,3:4], to=dline_coords[2,5:6]))

Obs: I need do this for thousand cases, but the API is limited to 100 results per call.

Can someone help me?


There are 1 best solutions below


Sharing my solution! This was a simple task, but I'm just learning to work with loops and functions. After a while reading a little, I did this using this for looping code:

distances <- data.frame()
for (line in 1:nrow(dline_coords)) {
  origin <- dline_coords[line 3:4]
  destiny  <- dline_coords[line 5:6]
  distances <- rbind(distances, dist_google(from=origin to=destiny mode='walking'))

And I got what I was looking for. Just row pairs:

  from_addresses                                                                to_addresses                                                             distances duration currency fare
1 R. Magister Leoninus, 33-171 - Jardim Santa Margarida, São Paulo - SP, Brazil Rua Ignácio Limas, 10 - Jardim Angela, São Paulo - SP, 04920-050, Brazil      1378     1160       NA   NA
2 R. Guilherme Baer, 211 - Vila Medeiros, São Paulo - SP, Brazil                R. André da Fonseca, 71 - Vila Maria, São Paulo - SP, 02135-010, Brazil        675      572       NA   NA

Instead of this output obtained in the original way, which is all-origins-to-all-destinations:

  from_addresses                                                                to_addresses                                                             distances duration currency fare
1 R. Magister Leoninus, 33-171 - Jardim Santa Margarida, São Paulo - SP, Brazil Rua Ignácio Limas, 10 - Jardim Angela, São Paulo - SP, 04920-050, Brazil      1378     1160       NA   NA
2 R. Magister Leoninus, 33-171 - Jardim Santa Margarida, São Paulo - SP, Brazil R. André da Fonseca, 71 - Vila Maria, São Paulo - SP, 02135-010, Brazil      29523    22764       NA   NA
3 R. Guilherme Baer, 204-210 - Vila Medeiros, São Paulo - SP, Brazil            Rua Ignácio Limas, 10 - Jardim Angela, São Paulo - SP, 04920-050, Brazil     30808    23783       NA   NA
4 R. Guilherme Baer, 204-210 - Vila Medeiros, São Paulo - SP, Brazil            R. André da Fonseca, 71 - Vila Maria, São Paulo - SP, 02135-010, Brazil        675      572       NA   NA