fusebox5 noxml Parsed file 'app.deleterecord.cfm' changed or did not exist

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I have a code below

<cffunction name="DeleteRecord">
    <cfargument name="myFusebox" />
    <cfargument name="event" />

    <cfset event.xfa("ShowForm", "app.ShowForm") />
    <cfset event.xfa("AddNew", "app.AddNew") />
    <cfset event.xfa("EditRecord", "app.EditRecord") />
    <cfset event.xfa("DeleteRecord", "app.DeleteRecord") />
    <cfset event.xfa("UpdateRecord", "app.UpdateRecord") />

    <cfset DeleteForecastRecord = application.report.ForecastRecordDelete(event.getValue("id"))/>

    <cflocation url="#myFusebox.getMyself()##event.xfa('manageforecastreport')#" addtoken="false" />


and in my cfc file below

<!--- ::::: Forecast Record Show ::::: --->
<cffunction name="ForecastRecordShow" returntype="query" access="public" output="true" hint="Add Forecast Record">
    <cfargument name="ForecastID" type="any" default="">
    <cfquery name="qryGetForcastRecord" datasource="#variables.dsn#">
        SELECT * FROM tbl_forecast  
        WHERE ForecastID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(arguments.ForecastID)#">
    <cfreturn qryGetForcastRecord>

i have an error

Parsed file 'app.deleterecord.cfm' changed or did not exist Request failed with exception 'Application' (The method ForecastRecordDelete was not found in component C:\Websites\LiquidMetalWheel.com\DiscountTire_dev\model\report.cfc.) The method ForecastRecordDelete was not found in component C:\Websites\mysite.com\model\report.cfc.

Please help me about what can i do to solve this error


There are 1 best solutions below


Make sure the "mode" is set to dev and not to prod (prod I think). When set to prod it will assume the file in the parsed directory is the correct one. When set to dev it "reparses" all your fuses with each request.

The "mode" setting is buried in your fusebox setttings - check the fbx_settings.cfm file. I'm doing this from memory so I might be wrong about the name of the setting (maybe appsettingStyle or something like that).