Generate Azure Storage Account SAS Key using PowerShell

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I am trying to generate an azure storage account shared access key so that i can use it with azcopy to retrieve files from all containers in my storage account.

I have generated a key successfully using the Azure Portal and proven this works with azcopy

But i am struggling to get an equivalent key to generate using PowerShell that works.

Powershell Query az storage container generate-sas --account-name $SaName --account-key $accountKey --permissions 'rl' --start $start --expiry $expiry --name $SaName --https-only --output tsv

Azure Portal (GUI) Result


Powershell Result


I guess the first problem is that i have not found a way of adding the missing and ss=b srt=sco (not sr) there doesn't seem to be those parameters available, perhaps if they were there the sig would have the correct hash.

I have tried this in Azure Cloudshell as well as on my own machine with az 1.12.1


There are 1 best solutions below


The command az storage container generate-sas is not powershell command, it's azure cli command.

Because in Azure portal, you're generating an account level sas-token, but in azure cli, you're actually generating a container level sas-token by using az storage container generate-sas.

To generate an account level sas-token, you should use this azure cli command: az storage account generate-sas.

The sample like below:

az storage account generate-sas --account-key "xxxxx"  --account-name your_storage_account_name --expiry 2020-02-10 --https-only --permissions rl --resource-types sco --services b

Here is the test result, the ss=b srt=sco are generated:

enter image description here

If you want to use powershell to generate an account level sas-token, please use this powershell command: New-AzStorageAccountSASToken. The sample is as below(you can add other parameters as per your need):

$account_name = "yy1"

$account_key = "xxxxxxx"

$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $account_name -StorageAccountKey $account_key

#you can also add other parameter as per your need, like StartTime, ExpiryTime etc.
New-AzStorageAccountSASToken -Service Blob -ResourceType Service,Container,Object -Permission rl -Context $context

Here is the test result:

enter image description here