Generate ZPL2 code from pdf (converted to png)

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as you can see in the title I have a problem with generating a valid zpl2 code. I have a Zebra GC420D label printer. If I generate a code with my function it works on but if I send this code to the printer nothing happens (macos, added printer as raw printer) and on windows there is only a white label coming out of the printer.

At first a snippet of code:

        DocPrintJob docPrintJob = prService.createPrintJob();
    File document = new File(printJobData.getDocumentFilePath());

    if (!document.exists())
        throw new Exception("File not found!");

    PDDocument pdDocument = PDDocument.load(document);
    PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = new PDFRenderer(pdDocument);

    for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pdDocument.getNumberOfPages(); pageIndex++)
        BufferedImage bufferedImage = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(pageIndex, 203, ImageType.BINARY);
        //BufferedImage scaledImage = PlentyPrinterJavaHelper.scaleImage(bufferedImage, 456, 256);

        ZPLBuilder zplBuilder = new ZPLBuilder();

        String code =;

        Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(code.getBytes(), DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE, null);
        docPrintJob.print(doc, new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet());


As you can see I am using PDFBox (2.0.3) for converting my pdfs to monochrome png images.

Here is an example image I want to print:

enter image description here

Here is a snipped where the zpl-code will be generated:

    private int fieldOriginX = 0; // ^FOx,y
private int fieldOriginY = 0; // ^FOx,y

private int totalLength = 0;

private BufferedImage bufferedImage = null;

private static final String START_FORMAT = "^XA";
private static final String END_FORMAT = "^XZ";
private static final String FIELD_SEPARATOR = "^FS";
private static final String FIELD_ORIGIN = "^FO";
private static final String GRAPHIC_FIELD = "^GF";

public ZPLBuilder()

public ZPLBuilder(int fieldOriginX, int fieldOriginY, BufferedImage bufferedImage)
    this.fieldOriginX = fieldOriginX;
    this.fieldOriginY = fieldOriginY;
    this.bufferedImage = bufferedImage;

public String build() throws IOException
    if (bufferedImage == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("Argument bufferedImage is null!");

    String zplCommand = START_FORMAT + getFieldOrigin();

    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "png", baos);

    byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();

    zplCommand += getGraphicField(bytes) + Hex.getString(bytes) + FIELD_SEPARATOR + END_FORMAT;

    return zplCommand;

private String getFieldOrigin()
    return FIELD_ORIGIN + fieldOriginX + "," + fieldOriginY;

private String getGraphicField(byte[] bytes)
    return GRAPHIC_FIELD + "A," + bytes.length + "," + bytes.length + "," + bytes.length / 8 + ",";

This is the result of the function:


and this the result on labelary

As you can see it works fine. But nothing happens on my printer.

This guy has the same problem. But there is no solution for it.

I found another class on web which works fine but it generates completely different code: Link

Does someone have an idea how this works without ~DY and ~DG command, only the way I posted above? And yes, I have to convert the pdf file, I can not generate the label in zpl directly.


I played around with byte-array from png file, but it doesn't work,too.

Sample code:

        Path imagePath = Paths.get("/Users/deubel/Desktop/etikett_bw.png");

    DocPrintJob docPrintJob = printService.createPrintJob();

        BufferedImage image =;

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();


        ImageIO.write(image, "png", baos);


        //byte[] binaryData = baos.toByteArray();
        //byte[] binaryData = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
        byte[] binaryData = Files.readAllBytes(imagePath);

        String command = "^XA^FO0,0^GFA," + binaryData.length + "," + binaryData.length + "," + binaryData.length / 8 + "," + Hex.getString(binaryData) + "^FS^XZ";

        Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(command.getBytes(), DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE, null);
        docPrintJob.print(doc, null);
    catch (IOException e)
    catch (PrintException e)

Is it possible, that printing a png only works with ~DG or ~DY commands and for directly printing an image I need to go through all pixels and convert them to hex like on jcgonzalez?


There are 1 best solutions below


In the meantime I found a solution but only with the ~DGR command.

Here a snippet of my code:

// Get byte array of image content
byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) bufferedImage.getData().getDataBuffer()).getData();

// Invert bytes because labels/images are inverted
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
    data[i] ^= 0xFF;

Then build ZPL code:

~DGR:label,14592,57,{Hex-String of byte array}

14592 = byte-array length

57 = byte-array length / image-height

Hex-String -> I used Hex.getString(byte[] data) function from PDFBox