Generating TFRecord format data from C+

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I'm trying to use TFRecord format to record data from C++ and then use it in python to feed TensorFlow model.

TLDR; Simply serializing proto messages into a stream doesn't satisfy .tfrecord format requirements of Python TFRecordDataset class. Is there an equivalent of Python TfRecordWriter in C++ (either in TensorFlow or in Google Protobuf libraries) to generate proper .tfrecord data?


The simplified C++ code looks like this:

tensorflow::Example sample;

std::ofstream out;"cpp_example.tfrecord", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

In Python, to create a TensorFlow data I'm trying to use TFRecordDataset, but apparently it expects extra header/footer information in the .tfrecord file (rather than simple list of serialized proto messages):

import tensorflow as tf
tfrecord_dataset ="cpp_example.tfrecord")


tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.DataLossError: corrupted record at 0 [Op:IteratorGetNext]

Note that there is nothing wrong with the recorded binary file, as following code prints a valid output:

import tensorflow as tf
p = open("cpp_example.tfrecord", "rb")
example = tf.train.Example.FromString(


features {
  feature {
    key: "a"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 1.0

By analyzing the binary output generated by my C++ example, and an output generated by using Python TfRecordWriter, I observed additional header and footer bytes in the content. Unfortunately, what do these extra bytes represent was an implementation detail (probably compression type and some extra info) and I couldn't track it deeper than some class in python libraries which just exposed the interface from

There was this advice saying that .tfrecord is just a normal google protobuf data. It might be I'm missing the knowledge where to find protobuf data writer (expect serializing proto messages into the output stream)?


There are 1 best solutions below


It turns out tensorflow::io::RecordWriter class of TensorFlow C++ library does the job.

#include <tensorflow/core/lib/io/record_writer.h>

#include <tensorflow/core/platform/default/posix_file_system.h>
#include <tensorflow/core/example/example.pb.h>

// ...

// Create WritableFile and instantiate RecordWriter.
tensorflow::PosixFileSystem posixFileSystem;
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::WritableFile> writableFile;

posixFileSystem.NewWritableFile("cpp_example.tfrecord", &writableFile);

tensorflow::io::RecordWriter recordWriter(mWritableFile.get(), tensorflow::io::RecordWriterOptions::CreateRecordWriterOptions(""));

// ...
tensorflow::Example sample;

// ...

// Serialize proto message into a buffer and record in tfrecord format.
std::string buffer;

It would be helpful if this class is referenced from somewhere in TFRecord documentation.