Generic tracing mock class

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I am trying to construct a convenient mocking class using moops:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl '2014';
use Moops;
use Test::More;

class aClass {
  method m {}
  method l {}

class NotWorkingMockAClass
extends aClass {

  has methodCallLog => (
    is  => 'rw',
    default => sub { [] },
    isa     => ArrayRef

  around m, l {
    push $self->methodCallLog, (caller(0))[3] =~ m/::(\w+)$/;
    $next->($self, @_ );


my $mac = NotWorkingMockAClass->new();

is( ($mac->methodCallLog)->[0], 'm', 'mcl[0] == m' );
is( ($mac->methodCallLog)->[1], 'l', 'mcl[1] == l' );
is( ($mac->methodCallLog)->[2], 'm', 'mcl[2] == m' );

This yields:

$ perl 
ok 1 - mcl[0] == m
not ok 2 - mcl[1] == l
#   Failed test 'mcl[1] == l'
#   at line 33.
#          got: 'm'
#     expected: 'l'
ok 3 - mcl[2] == m

So, the problem seems to be, that caller() always returns m, when I use the around m,l .. shortcut.

Defining the class like so:

class WorkingMockAClass
extends aClass {

  has methodCallLog => (
    is  => 'rw',
    default => sub { [] },
    isa     => ArrayRef

  method _logAndDispatch( CodeRef $next, ArrayRef $args ){
    push $self->methodCallLog, (caller(1))[3] =~ m/::(\w)$/;
    $next->($self, @$args );
  around m {
    $self->_logAndDispatch( $next, \@_ );

  around l {
    $self->_logAndDispatch( $next, \@_ );

works, but is a bit more verbose and cumbersome to write.

Is there a better option to achieve something like this with Moops?


There are 1 best solutions below


Personally Moops or otherwise, I wouldn't trust caller in any method that is potentially going to have modifiers applied to it. Nor would I trust it in those modifiers. You're relying too much on the internals of how method modifiers work. (Which will differ between Moo/Moose/Mouse.)

Have you tried something like this?

push @{ $self->methodCallLog }, Sub::Identify::sub_name($next);

(Or use Sub::Util instead of Sub::Identify.)