GestureDetector onTap() doesn't work in release mode [flutter]

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I have a gesture detector that calls setState() in a stateful widget. It works fine in debug mode, but when I compile to release apk, the GestureDetector doesn't make anything in the onTap().

This is my code:

    child: Icon(,
    onTap: () {
       setState(() {
           if(mostrarTextField.toString() == 'Text("Empresas")'){
               mostrarTextField = TextField(
               controller: controller,
               decoration: InputDecoration(
                    intText: 'Buscar empresas...'
               onSubmitted: (value){
                    Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
                         builder:(context) => 
                                    busqueda: controller.text,
                                    nombreUsr: nombreUsr,
                                    documentoUsr: documentoUsr,
                mostrarTextField = Text('Empresas');

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