Get an instance to inherit another instance's constraints in pyomo

112 Views Asked by At

I'm trying to create an instance that inherits another instance's constraints, whilst adding some new ones.

Is there a way to "copy" the previous instance's constraints into the new one?

Here's a snippet from the code

model.bnb_bound_constraints = ConstraintList()

non_solved_instances = []
bnb_end = False
incumbent_value = 0
solve_counter = 0
integer_variables_list = []

bnb_instance = model.create_instance(data)
variables_list = [bnb_instance.x]

while bnb_end != True:

    solve_counter += 1
    print len(non_solved_instances), "Non solved instance(s)"
    bnb_solve = optsolver.solve(non_solved_instances[0], tee = False)
    print "Objective value for instance", solve_counter,":",value(non_solved_instances[0].obj)

    if value(non_solved_instances[0].obj.sense)*value(non_solved_instances[0].obj) <= value(non_solved_instances[0].obj.sense)*incumbent_value:

        incumbent_value = 2000

        for new_instance in range(2):

            bnb_instance = model.create_instance(data)
            variables_list = [bnb_instance.x]

            for con in non_solved_instances[0].bnb_bound_constraints:
                #This is what ive been trying to do to copy the constraints, doesnt work though.

            if new_instance == 0:
                bnb_instance.bnb_bound_constraints.add(expr = bnb_instance.x[solve_counter] <= floor(value(non_solved_instances[0].x[solve_counter])))
                #adds a new constraint to bnb_instance

            elif new_instance == 1:
                bnb_instance.bnb_bound_constraints.add(expr = bnb_instance.x[solve_counter] >= ceil(value(non_solved_instances[0].x[solve_counter]))) 
                #adds a new constraint to bnb_instance


    del non_solved_instances[0]

    if len(non_solved_instances) == 0 or solve_counter >= 20:
        bnb_end = True

non_solved_instances[0] contains the "original" instance, whose constraints i wish to inherit to bnb_instance



There are 1 best solutions below


One way would be to clone the entire model and then add additional constraints to the clone

m = ConcreteModel()
# Add stuff to m

m2 = m.clone()
m2.c2 = Constraint(expr=m2.x**2<=10)