Get Average of TimeSpans with EF Core

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I'm using EF Core 7 with Postgres. I need to calculate some stats:

public record Job(string Name, DateTime Started, DateTime Stopped);
public record Stats(TimeSpan Min, TimeSpan Mean, TimeSpan Max);


var stats = await _context
  .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
  .Select(x => new Stats(
    x.Min(y => y.Stopped - y.Started), 
    new TimeSpan((long)x.Select(y => y.Stopped - y.Started).Select(x => x.Ticks).Average()), 
    x.Max(y => y.Stopped - y.Started)

The average subquery is weird-looking but works as a non-EF query. But EF refuses with:

InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression 'RelationalGroupByShaperExpression:
.Average()' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation

I think EF can't translate Ticks. I didn't find anything useful in EF.Functions.

I don't want to do this on the client, I want to do this on the database as the data set is large. Is that possible?


There are 2 best solutions below


Other than client-side eval, one could use a provider-specific function (I am using Postgres):

var stats = await _context
  .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
  .Select(x => new Stats(
    x.Min(y => y.Stopped - y.Started), 
    EF.Functions.Average(x.Select(y => y.Stopped - y.Started)),  // <---
    x.Max(y => y.Stopped - y.Started)

But then that property must be nullable:

public record Stats(TimeSpan Min, TimeSpan? Mean, TimeSpan Max);

The issue is Ticks is not (currently) supported. That was requested here, please upvote it.


You are right, entity framework does not understand the concept of TimeSpan.Ticks.

However, class DbFunctions has several methods to get the number of (nano)seconds / minutes / hours, etc between two DateTimes. Select the accuracy that you need, for example:

var stats = await _context
    .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
    .Select(x=> new
            Min = x.Select(y => y.Stopped - y.Started).Min(),
            AverageTimeSpanMilliSect = x.Select(y =>
                    DbFunctions.DiffMilliSeconds(y.Stopped, y.Started)
            Max = x.Select(y => y.Stopped - y.Started).Max(),

    // Move the selected data to your local process and convert to Stats
    .Select(x => new Stats(x.Min, 