Get Child Node value using parent Node in XML

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How to Get the Value of the node by using the parent tag name.

Here is my XML format.

<ListOrderItemsResponse xmlns="">
   <AmazonOrderId>Order Id</AmazonOrderId>
     <ASIN>Asin Value</ASIN>
     <OrderItemId>SKU Value</OrderItemId>
     <Title>Product Title</Title>

How to get Item Price Amount and Shipping Price Amount.

Here i tried so far..

Method 1:

XmlNode node12 = xd1.SelectSingleNode("/ListOrderItemsResponse[@*]/ListOrderItemsResult/OrderItems/OrderItem/ItemPrice");
string id = node12["Amount"].InnerText;

Method 2:

int i = 0;
                XmlNodeList nodeAMT = xd1.GetElementsByTagName("Amount");
                string[] AMT = new string[TotalCount];
                foreach (XmlElement node in nodeAMT)
                    AMT[i] = node.InnerText;

How to Get ItemPrice 30 and ShippingPrice 5.

Any Suggestions??


There are 2 best solutions below


This is a classical problem of default namespace. Your XML has default namespace declared at the root element :


All elements without prefix are considered in the above mentioned default namespace. To select element in namespace, you need to use XmlNamespaceManager:

var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
//register mapping of prefix to namespace uri 
nsmgr.AddNamespace("d", "");

string query = "/d:ListOrderItemsResponse/d:ListOrderItemsResult/d:OrderItems/d:OrderItem/d:ItemPrice/d:Amount";
XmlNode node = xd1.SelectSingleNode(query, nsmgr);
string itemPrice = node.InnerText;

With the second method, you can use the XmlElement Parent property, to get the name of the parent.

 XmlNodeList amounts = xml.GetElementsByTagName("Amount");
            foreach (XmlElement amount in amounts)
                if (amount.ParentNode != null)
                    if (amount.ParentNode.Name.Equals("ItemPrice"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Price"+amount.InnerText);
                    if (amount.ParentNode.Name.Equals("ShippingPrice"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Shipping Price" + amount.InnerText);


I hope this can help you.