Get Latest Version using command-line from VSO?

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I am looking for a simple way to get the latest version of source code from Visual Studio Online through automation (usually command line).

I cannot seem to authenticate to VSO with the credentials I use to logon to the website with the TF or TEE command line. I have also searched and found a TFSGet C# code that has authentication failure.

When I use the regular TF.EXE it cannot understand my workspace. Credentials are cached in Source Control Explorer and Workspace is mapped.

When I use the TEE CLC TF.CMD it cannot authenticate using the [email protected] and password I use to sign on to the Visual Studio Online web site.

When I use the TFSGet C# program I get TFS Authenticaton Failed.

I read something about alternate credentials, but am completely confused because to set that up I need website address and callback URL. I've never set up a website and URL for a command-line application before.

What I really want is a KISS principle SFTP or secure WGET access to the latest version of my source code!


There are 1 best solutions below


You're right, you need to enable alternate credentials. You were looking in the wrong place to set it up, though. It looks like you were trying to use a service hook.

Just follows steps 1 and 2 in the VSO OAuth documentation: Click on your user name, go to your user profile, then click on the "Credentials" tab and click on "Enable alternate credentials".