get parent child in XMLTable in oracle

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I want to know if there are any way to collect the parent child tag when you are creating an XMLTable. The XML is like this:

        <CodigoDATA v="AAAASSA"/>
            <IntervaloDATA v="2013-10-14/2013-10-18"/>
                <CodigoDATA v="AGAGGGG"/>
                    <CodigoDATA v="AAASSCV"/>

I´m listings all the '/Data/UOFDATA/PeriodoDATA', and i want to know the UOFData (the parent child. I try some ways, but always return null!

    Select intervalo, uof, uof2, uof3 from
        passing (select xmltype(pl_string) as xmldataselect from consultas where cdconsult = 1000)
        columns Intervalo varchar2(60) path 'IntervaloDATA/@v',
                UOF varchar2(60) path './ancestor::UOFDATA/CodigoDATA/@v',
                UOF2 xmltype path './parent::node()',
                UOF3 varchar2(60) path './../CodigoDATA/@v'
       ) tableIntervalo

Thanks in advance


There are 1 best solutions below


Since you just have one parent node CodigoDATA but many child nodes PeriodoDATA, I suggest you split query into 2 different ones: the first would extract the parent information CodigoDATA, and the second would the PeriodoDATA child nodes (similar to what you are doing).