Get store message size per destination on demand for ActiveMQ

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Is there a way to get store message size per destination on demand for ActiveMQ using some command line tool?

I am using ActiveMQ 5.14.4 with kahadb as persistent store. I am using multi kahadb support to split kahadb for destinations with high persistent use cases. All other destination are using common kaahdb and its size is growing. So I was wondering if there is a tool to get store usage per destination so that I can take an informed decision to break my kahadb further.

P.S.: I can't break kahadb for all destination and then take an estimate.


There are 1 best solutions below


This can be done using activemq's command line utilities. Here is the reference of command line utilty:

You need to view name and StoreMEssageSize mbeans using query and provide appropriate broker's jmx url

activemq query --view Name,StoreMessageSize --jmxurl service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://remotehost:1099/jmxrmi