Get x and y value when hovering on LinSeries React Vis

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Trying to get the x and y values at mouse over position.

    getX={ d => d[0] }
    getY={ d => d[1] }
        onSeriesMouseOver={(event)=> {
          console.log('val', event)
      <XAxis />
      <YAxis />

When i log the event i get {event: Class}. The docs are not clear on how to get the value enter image description here

I have tried and event.currentTarget but they are undefined. Has anyone come across this issue before and have a solution or work around?

When i expand the event object i get the following

event: Class
altKey: (...)
bubbles: (...)
button: (...)
buttons: (...)
cancelable: (...)
clientX: (...)
clientY: (...)
ctrlKey: (...)
currentTarget: (...)
defaultPrevented: (...)
detail: (...)
dispatchConfig: null
eventPhase: (...)
getModifierState: (...)
isDefaultPrevented: (...)
isPropagationStopped: (...)
isTrusted: (...)
metaKey: (...)
movementX: (...)
movementY: (...)
nativeEvent: (...)
pageX: (...)
pageY: (...)
relatedTarget: (...)
screenX: (...)
screenY: (...)
shiftKey: (...)
target: (...)
timeStamp: (...)
type: (...)
view: (...)
_dispatchInstances: null
_dispatchListeners: null
_targetInst: null
preventDefault: (...)
stopPropagation: (...)

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