I am trying to train a bayesian NN for noisy time series prediction. I have problems in

  1. getting the model to learn the linear releationship in the data
  2. getting the model to learn the increasing noise The goal is that the model learns the noise and therefor is able to calculate an uncertainty within interference after learning. Data:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
lookBack = 128
inputDim = 1
lookAHead = 32
split = 0.15
# create data
data_length = 10000
y_data = []
for ii in range(data_length):
    y_data.append(0.5*ii + 2 + np.random.normal(0, ii*ii/100000))
x_data = np.arange(data_length)

#normalize data
y_data = np.array(y_data)
y_data = (y_data - np.mean(y_data)) / np.std(y_data)

plt.plot(x_data, y_data)

#construct input/target data
train_data_input = []
train_data_target = []
for ii in range(shape[0] - lookBack - lookAHead):
    train_data_target.append(y_data[ii+lookBack + lookAHead])

train_data_input = np.array(train_data_input)
train_data_input = np.expand_dims(train_data_input, axis = -1)

train_data_target = np.array(train_data_target)

My Model:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Input

inputModel = Input(shape=(lookBack, inputDim))
features = keras.layers.Flatten()(inputModel)
features = layers.Dense(32, activation = "tanh")(features)
features = tfp.layers.DenseVariational(

I tried different output types, just a regression value or a distribution that is learnt:

if output_type == "val":
    outputs = layers.Dense(1)(features)

if output_type == "dist":
    distribution_params = Dense(2) (features)
    #c = np.log(np.expm1(1.0))
    #outputs = tfp.layers.DistributionLambda(lambda t: tfp.distributions.Normal(loc=t[..., :1],
    #                       scale=1e-3 + tf.math.softplus(c+0.05 * t[..., 1:])))(distribution_params)
    outputs = tfp.layers.IndependentNormal(1)(distribution_params)

model = keras.Model(inputs=inputModel, outputs=outputs)

def negative_loglikelihood(targets, estimated_distribution):
    return -estimated_distribution.log_prob(targets)

loss = None
if output_type == "dist"
    loss = negative_loglikelihood 
    #def loss(y_true, y_pred):
    #    return tf.keras.losses.KLD(y_true, y_pred)
if output_type == "val":
    loss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()


model.fit(x = train_data_input, y = train_data_target, epochs=25, validation_split=split)

I tried different unit sizes, loss functions (-log_pob, KLD) activation functions, (learnable) priors (1/2, see below), and posteriors (1/2, see below) but my model doesn´t really learn useful stuff. Furthermore I would expect the stdDev of my output to increase with increasing x as the noise is increasing too which is not the case.

def prior1(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
        n = kernel_size + bias_size
        prior_model = keras.Sequential(
                    lambda t: tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(
                        loc=tf.zeros(n), scale_diag=tf.ones(n).
        return prior_model
    def prior2(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
        n = kernel_size + bias_size
        c = np.log(np.expm1(1.0))
        return tf.keras.Sequential([
            tfp.layers.VariableLayer(2*n, dtype=dtype),
            tfp.layers.DistributionLambda(lambda t: tfp.distributions.Independent(
                tfp.distributions.Normal(loc=t[...,:n], scale=1e-3 + tf.math.softplus(c + 0.05 * t[..., n:])), reinterpreted_batch_ndims=1))

def posterior1(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
    n = kernel_size + bias_size
    posterior_model = keras.Sequential(
                tfp.layers.MultivariateNormalTriL.params_size(n), dtype=dtype
    return posterior_model
def posterior2(kernel_size, bias_size=0, dtype=None):
    n = kernel_size + bias_size
    c = np.log(np.expm1(1.0))
    return keras.Sequential([
        tfp.layers.VariableLayer(2 * n, dtype=dtype),
        tfp.layers.DistributionLambda(lambda t: tfp.distributions.Independent(
            tfp.distributions.Normal(loc=t[..., :n], 
                       scale=1e-5 + tf.nn.softplus(c + t[..., n:])),

Evaluation of the model:

predictions = []
means = []
stds = []
for ii in range(20):
    prediction = model(train_data_input)
    if output_type == "val":
    if output_type == "dist":
if output_type == "val":
    predictions = np.array(predictions)
    predicted_mean = np.mean(predictions, axis = 0)
    predicted_std = np.std(predictions, axis = 0)
if output_type == "dist":
    predicted_mean = np.mean(np.array(means), axis = 0)
    predicted_std = np.mean(np.array(stds), axis = 0)
lower_bound = predicted_mean - predicted_std
upper_bound = predicted_mean + predicted_std

plt.plot(x_data, y_data)
#Plot the mean
plt.plot(np.arange(predicted_mean.shape[0]) + lookBack + lookAHead, np.squeeze(predicted_mean), color = "r")
#Plot the begging of the test set
plt.vlines(x=float(1-split)*predicted_mean.shape[0] + lookBack + lookAHead,ymin = np.min(predicted_mean), ymax = np.max(predicted_mean), colors = "g")
#Plot the hopefully increasing stdDev
plt.plot(np.arange(predicted_mean.shape[0]) + lookBack + lookAHead, predicted_std, color = "g")
#Plot mean +/- stdDev
plt.plot(np.arange(predicted_mean.shape[0]) + lookBack + lookAHead, np.squeeze(lower_bound), color = "r", alpha = 0.5)
plt.plot(np.arange(predicted_mean.shape[0]) + lookBack + lookAHead, np.squeeze(upper_bound), color = "r", alpha = 0.5)

Im thankful for any advice on how to get the models learning.


There are 1 best solutions below


In the code below, a random input signal (y_rv) is generated from a known mean and std at each time point (y_mean and y_std). The model takes in a window from the input signal, and it learns to predict the mean and std that were used to sample that signal (i.e. input is y_rv, and targets are y_mean and y_std).

I started by simplifying model down to a single-output regression model predicting the mean. ReLU activation helped stabilise training. Once that basic model was working, I added in a second output for the standard deviation.

I modified the model and targets so that the model predicts a sequence of values up to and including 32 points into the future, rather than simply predicting a single vector at t=32. I think this gives the model more context when predicting standard deviation, rather than having to rely on a single data point. Adding dropout also helped the model stabilise predictions of standard deviation. Directly estimating the std worked better than estimating log(std).

Showing a single window from the training set:

enter image description here

Target and predictions:

enter image description here

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random


lookBack = 128
lookAHead = 32
split = 0.15

# create data
data_length = 10_000
y_mean = np.empty(data_length)
y_std = np.empty_like(y_mean)
y_rv = np.empty_like(y_mean)
for ii in range(data_length):
    mean = 0.5*ii + 2
    std = ii**2 / 100_000
    y_mean[ii] = mean
    y_std[ii] = std
    #Sample an rv from the Normal(mean, std) distribution
    y_rv[ii] = np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=std)

#construct input/target data
train_input = []
train_target_mean = []
train_target_std = []
train_target_rv = []

for ii in range(data_length - lookBack - lookAHead):
    #For ii, train will use a lookBack-sized window starting at ii
    train_input.append(np.array(y_rv[ii:ii + lookBack]))
    #Use it to predict the value(s) that's lookAHead beyond the window end
    target_start = ii + lookBack
    target_end = target_start + lookAHead
    train_target_mean.append( np.array(y_mean[target_start:target_end]) )
    train_target_std.append( np.array(y_std[target_start:target_end]) )
    train_target_rv.append( np.array(y_rv[target_start:target_end]) )

train_input = np.array(train_input)
train_target_mean = np.array(train_target_mean)
train_target_std = np.array(train_target_std)
train_target_rv = np.array(train_target_rv)

train_input_scaled = (train_input - train_input.mean(axis=0)) / train_input.std(axis=0)

train_target_mean_std = np.stack(
    [train_target_mean, train_target_std],

#View a window of data
#Select window to plot
window_start = 500
window_end = window_start + lookBack

window_range = list(range(window_start, window_end))
window_range_target = list(range(window_start, window_end + lookAHead))

#Training data over window i
plt.plot(window_range, train_input[window_start, :],
         color='tab:green', label=f'train_input[window #{window_start}] (y_rv)', zorder=3)
#Target over window i + lookAHead
         y_mean[window_start:window_end + lookAHead],
         color='tab:red', linestyle=':',

#y std
         y_mean[window_start:window_end + lookAHead] +\
         2 * y_std[window_start:window_end + lookAHead],
         color='tab:purple', linewidth=3, label='±2*y_std')
         y_mean[window_start:window_end + lookAHead] -\
         2 * y_std[window_start:window_end + lookAHead],
         color='tab:purple', linewidth=3)

plt.axvline(x=window_end, linestyle=':', linewidth=1, color='k', label='window ends')

plt.gcf().set_size_inches(7, 2.5)
plt.gcf().legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.7, 1.1))

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers

#Define model

inputModel = layers.Input(shape=lookBack)
features = layers.Flatten()(inputModel)
features = layers.Dense(64, activation="relu")(features)
features = layers.Dropout(rate=0.2)(features)
features = layers.Dense(32, activation="relu")(features)
outputs = [layers.Dense(lookAHead, name='mean_out')(features),
           layers.Dense(lookAHead, name='std_out')(features)

#Compile model
model = keras.Model(inputs=inputModel, outputs=outputs)
loss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=loss, loss_weights=[0.5, 0.5])

#Fit model
model.fit(x=train_input_scaled, y=[train_target_mean, train_target_std],
          epochs=20, batch_size=32, validation_split=split)

# Plot input, targets, and predictions
#Get predictions
pred_mean, pred_std = [t.numpy() for t in model(train_input_scaled)]

x_pred = list(range(lookBack, data_length - lookAHead))
plt.plot(x_pred, y_rv[x_pred], c='tab:brown', lw=2, alpha=0.4, label='input features')

plt.plot(x_pred, y_mean[x_pred], c='black', lw=5, label='target mean')
plt.plot(x_pred, y_mean[x_pred] + 2 * y_std[x_pred], c='black', lw=4, ls=':', label='target std')
plt.plot(x_pred, y_mean[x_pred] - 2 * y_std[x_pred], c='black', lw=4, ls=':')

plt.plot(x_pred, pred_mean[:, -1], c='tab:cyan', lw=0.3, label='predicted mean')

plt.plot(x_pred, pred_mean[:, -1] + 2 * pred_std[:, -1],
         c='tab:cyan', lw=0.5, label='predicted std')
plt.plot(x_pred, pred_mean[:, -1] - 2 * pred_std[:, -1],
         c='tab:cyan', lw=0.5)

plt.axvline(x=(1 - split) * len(train_input_scaled),
            c='black', lw=1, ls=':', label='train-val split')
plt.title('Input, targets, and predictions')
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(5, 3)
plt.gcf().legend(ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 1.25))

This network only looks at the input features when making its prediction and doesn't use its previous predictions. Allowing the network to access its previous predictions would make it a recurrent net, which is the usual choice for time series.

GaussianProcessRegressor in sklearn directly models the mean and std of a time series, and could provide a good baseline measure if you wanted to compare your NN against other techniques.

Estimating mean and sd from the noisy signal (could be used for creating a training set):

enter image description here

t_axis = np.arange(data_length).reshape(-1, 1)
plt.plot(t_axis, y_rv, linestyle='none', marker='.', alpha=0.8, label='noisy data')

plt.plot(y_mean, c='k', label='ground truth μ±2σ', lw=10, alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(y_mean - 2 * y_std, c='k', lw=10, alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(y_mean + 2 * y_std, c='k', lw=10, alpha=0.3)

#GPR estimate of mean/std
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process import kernels

kernel = kernels.DotProduct() + 0.1 * kernels.DotProduct()**2 * kernels.WhiteKernel()
gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(
    kernel=kernel, random_state=np.random.RandomState(0)
gpr.fit(t_axis, y_rv)

gpr_mean, gpr_sd = gpr.predict(t_axis, return_std=True)
plt.plot(t_axis, gpr_mean, c='tab:orange', lw=4, label='gaussian process')
plt.plot(t_axis, gpr_mean - 2 * gpr_sd, lw=4, c='tab:orange')
plt.plot(t_axis, gpr_mean + 2 * gpr_sd, lw=4, c='tab:orange')

#Rolling window estimate of mean/std
window_size = 30
df = pd.DataFrame(y_rv, columns=['Values'])
rolling_mean = df.Values.rolling(window=window_size, min_periods=1).mean()
rolling_sd = df.Values.rolling(window=window_size, min_periods=1).std()
rolling_sd.iloc[0] = rolling_sd.iloc[1]

plt.plot(rolling_mean, c='tab:red', lw=2, label='rolling window')
plt.plot(rolling_mean - 2 * rolling_sd, c='tab:red', lw=2)
plt.plot(rolling_mean + 2 * rolling_sd, c='tab:red', lw=2)

plt.suptitle('Estimating μ and σ from noisy data')
plt.title('Gaussian process vs. rolling window', fontsize=10)
plt.xlabel('sample index')
plt.xlim(400, 1000); plt.ylim(300, 1200)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(5, 3.5)

Implementation using torch.distributions to learn the distribution.

enter image description here

enter image description here

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random


look_back = 128
look_ahead = 32
split = 0.15

# Create data
data_length = 10_000
y_mean = np.empty(data_length)
y_sd = np.empty_like(y_mean)
y_rv = np.empty_like(y_mean)
for ii in range(data_length):
    mean = ii + 2
    sd = ii**2 / (data_length * 10)
    y_mean[ii] = mean
    y_sd[ii] = sd
    #Sample an rv from the Normal(mean, std) distribution
    #This will be the noisy input to the model
    y_rv[ii] = np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=sd)

# Construct input/target data
train_input = []
train_target_rv = []

for ii in range(data_length - look_back - look_ahead):
    #For ii, train will use a lookBack-sized window starting at ii
    train_input.append(np.array(y_rv[ii:ii + look_back]))
    #Use it to predict the value(s) that's lookAHead beyond the window end
    train_target_rv.append(y_rv[ii + look_back + look_ahead])

train_input = np.array(train_input)
train_target_rv = np.array(train_target_rv).reshape(-1, 1)

#View a window of data
#Select window to plot
window_num = 9000
window_end = window_num + look_back

window_range = list(range(window_num, window_end))
window_range_target = list(range(window_num, window_end + look_ahead))

#Training data over window i
plt.plot(window_range, train_input[window_num, :],
         color='tab:green', label=f'input data window #{window_num}', zorder=3)

# over window i + lookAHead
plt.plot(window_range_target, y_mean[window_num:window_end + look_ahead],
         color='tab:purple', linestyle='--', linewidth=3,

#y std
         y_mean[window_num:window_end + look_ahead] +\
         2 * y_sd[window_num:window_end + look_ahead],
         color='tab:purple', linewidth=3, label='±2$\sigma$')
         y_mean[window_num:window_end + look_ahead] -\
         2 * y_sd[window_num:window_end + look_ahead],
         color='tab:purple', linewidth=3)

plt.axvline(x=window_end - 1, color='k', label=f'look_back={look_back} window ends')

plt.gcf().set_size_inches(7, 2.5)
plt.gcf().legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1.2), ncol=2, fontsize=10)

import torch
from torch import nn, optim
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

class Encoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        intermediate_dim = look_back // 2
        self.feed_fwd = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(look_back, intermediate_dim),

            nn.Linear(intermediate_dim, intermediate_dim),
        self.mean_encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(intermediate_dim, intermediate_dim),
            nn.Linear(intermediate_dim, 1),
        self.std_encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(intermediate_dim, intermediate_dim),
            nn.Linear(intermediate_dim, 1),
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.feed_fwd(x)
        mu = self.mean_encoder(x)
        sigma = self.std_encoder(x)
        return torch.distributions.Normal(mu, sigma)

encoder = Encoder()
optimizer = optim.NAdam(encoder.parameters())

n_epochs = 150
batch_size = 32

X_t = torch.tensor(train_input).float()
y_t = torch.tensor(train_target_rv).float()
Xy_paired = list(zip(X_t, y_t))
dataloader = DataLoader(Xy_paired, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)

losses = []
for epoch in range(n_epochs):

    running_loss = 0
    for batch_num, (X, y) in enumerate(dataloader):
        predicted_dist = encoder(X)
        nll_loss = -predicted_dist.log_prob(y).mean(dim=0)
        running_loss += nll_loss.item()
    if not (epoch % 10): print(epoch, '{:.0f}'.format( running_loss / len(dataloader)))
    losses.append(running_loss / len(dataloader))

plt.gcf().set_size_inches(5, 3)

#Get predictions

with torch.no_grad():
    prediction = encoder(X_t)
    pred_mean = prediction.mean.numpy()
    pred_sd = prediction.stddev.numpy()
    sample_from_prediction = prediction.sample()

x_pred = list(range(look_back, data_length - look_ahead))
plt.plot(x_pred, y_rv[x_pred], c='tab:brown', lw=2, alpha=0.4, label='input data')

plt.plot(x_pred, y_mean[x_pred], c='black', lw=5, label='actual $\mu$')
plt.plot(x_pred, y_mean[x_pred] + 2 * y_sd[x_pred], c='black', lw=4, ls=':', label='actual 2$\sigma$')
plt.plot(x_pred, y_mean[x_pred] - 2 * y_sd[x_pred], c='black', lw=4, ls=':')

# plt.plot(x_pred, sample_from_prediction, c='tab:cyan', lw=0.3, label='sample rv from prediction')
plt.plot(x_pred, pred_mean, c='tab:cyan', lw=0.3, label='predicted $\mu$')

plt.plot(x_pred, pred_mean + 2 * pred_sd, c='tab:red', lw=0.5, label='predicted 2$\sigma$')
plt.plot(x_pred, pred_mean - 2 * pred_sd, c='tab:red', lw=0.5)

plt.title('Input, ground truth, and predictions')
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(5, 3)
plt.gcf().legend(ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 1.25))

# plt.xlim(6_000, 10_000); plt.ylim(4_000, 12_000)